
Fellowship of the NZPsS

Fellowship of the NZPsS is an honour that can be conferred upon Full Members.

To qualify for election as a Fellow, a member must have satisfied the Executive that:  (a) They have been a member of the Society for at least a total of seven years; and  (b) They have made a substantial contribution to the advancement of psychological knowledge or practice either by their own research and/or practice or by organising or developing the work of others, and, normally  (c) That they possess an advanced knowledge of psychology in at least one of its fields.

A member seeking Fellowship must be nominated by two members of the Society. Such nominations will be referred to the Membership and Status Committee. Following consideration of any nomination the Membership and Status Committee will make a recommendation to the Executive regarding election to Fellowship.  The Executive will decide whether the candidate will be elected.

Fellows of the NZPsS are able to use the post-nominal letters “FNZPsS”.

How to nominate an NZPsS Member for Fellowship

The following are guidelines for nominating a Fellow:

  1. Ensure the person you wish to nominate is a member of the NZPsS.  The NZPsS Membership Administrator can assist with this information and that they meet the criteria for nomination.
  2. Seek the prospective Fellow’s agreement to be nominated for Fellowship and request a signed document/or email acknowledgement to this effect
  3. Locate a second nominator who is a member of the NZPsS to support the nomination
  4. Ensure the prospective Fellow meets the requirements for Fellowship by checking the Rules- Clauses 6.1/6.2
  5. Ask the member for a CV and any information that would demonstrate their substantial contribution to the advancement of psychological knowledge or practice and advanced knowledge of psychology in at least one of its fields
  6. Write up the nomination making the case for the nominee to be granted Fellowship and provide supporting information where possible e.g. a CV
  7. Send the nomination to  office(at)
  8. The Executive Director will forward the nomination to the NZPsS Membership and Status Committee who will make a recommendation on the nomination to the NZPsS Executive
  9. The Executive will in turn make a decision on the recommendation of the Membership and Status Committee
  10. The nominee will be informed of the outcome of the nomination by the Executive Director and will be asked to inform their nominators
  11. New Fellows will be celebrated in the monthly newsletter Connections and honoured at the NZPsS AGM

Honorary Fellow Fellowship

Honorary Fellowship is open to persons of distinction outside of the Society who have made an original and significant contribution to psychological knowledge or who have rendered outstanding services to New Zealand psychology. The total number of Honorary Fellows at any one time shall not exceed fifteen. Honorary Fellows can be nominated by two Full Members of the Society.  

How to nominate an Honorary Fellow

  1. Ensure the person you wish to nominate is a willing to be nominated and you have written confirmation of this
  2. Locate a second nominator who is a member of the NZPsS to support the nomination
  3. Ensure the prospective Fellow meets the requirements for Fellowship by checking the Rules- Clause 9.1
  4. Ask the nominee for a CV and any information that would demonstrate their original and significant contribution to psychological knowledge or outstanding services to New Zealand psychology.
  5. Write up the nomination making the case for the nominee to be granted Honorary Fellowship and provide supporting information where possible e.g. a CV
  6. Send the nomination to office(at)
  7. The Executive Director will forward the nomination to the NZPsS Executive.  If the nomination is endorsed by the Executive, the Executive will propose that person for election as an Honorary Fellow at the next General Meeting of the Society following endorsement.  That person will become an Honorary Fellow if elected by a simple majority of those voting at the Annual General Meeting.
  8. The nominee will be informed of the outcome of the nomination by the Executive Director and the nominators will be informed
  9. New Honorary Fellows will be announced to the membership in the monthly newsletter Connections.

Emeritus Fellows

Emeritus Fellowship may be granted by the Executive, at its discretion, on request from any Fellow who declares they have fully retired from the practice of psychology and from paid employment and who, in consequence, wish to retire from active Society membership.

A member who is made an Emeritus Fellow or an Emeritus Associate Fellow is not obliged to pay any subscription and is not entitled to receive any Society services, but is entitled to use the Emeritus Fellow title until their death.

NZPsS Awards and Scholarships

We encourage excellence and showcase outstanding work in our annual professional awards. Full members of the NZPsS can apply for a scholarship or nominate others for an award.

The awards on offer in 2024 are:

  • Te Tihi o Manono Award This is a new award offered in conjunction with NZCCP that recognises the achievement of research and practice excellence in the pursuit of mātauranga Māori in psychology. This award reflects the journey taken to produce scholarship, research, and professional practice relevant to Māori communities. It will be offered every 2 years. Te Tihi o Manono Award (Te Tihi o Manono  application form)
  • C.J. Adcock Award The Adcock Award recognises an individual who has made valuable and significant contributions to scholarship and research in psychology in the past five years in a range of fields of psychology. The award is offered every 4 years. C.J. Adcock Award (C.J. Adcock application form)
  • G.V. Goddard Early Career Award -Achievement and Excellence in Applied Psychology This award recognises early career achievement and excellence in applied and professional psychology. Recipients need not be current members of the Society at the time of nomination but they do need to be eligible for membership. The award is offered every two years. Goddard Applied Psychology Award (Goddard Applied Psychology application form)
  • Public Interest Award The Public Interest Award recognises valuable contributions to psychology in the service of the public interest. This award is open to members and non-members of the Society. The award is offered every four years. Public Interest Award (Public Interest award application form)
  • Tony Taylor Award – The Tony Taylor Award recognises an individual who has a publication in any area of applied psychology dealing with social issues. The award is offered every two years and is open to members of the Society. Guidelines; Application form

  • Karahipi Tumuaki- The President’s Scholarship - see below for information
  • Postgraduate Student Social Justice Research Scholarship - see below for information

Closing date for nominations/applications for these awards and scholarships is 26 July 2024. 


How to nominate someone for an NZPsS award

The NZPsS offers a range of awards each year to honour those who have shown excellence in psychology research, teaching and practice.

The following is a guide for nominating someone for an award.

  1. A selection of NZPsS awards are offered each year
  2. Check out the due date for nominations- it is usually 1 July
  3. Check the guidelines for the award – these indicate eligibility and the process for nomination
  4. All awards need a nominator and seconder-so as well as nominating someone yourself you need to locate another member who is also willing to be nominator
  5. It’s important to check with the nominee that they are willing to be nominated.They need to put this in writing e.g. in an email.
  6. The nominators need to provide supporting information for their nomination including a CV of the nominee, published papers and any other evidence of the nominee’s contribution
  7. The nominators need to write a letter of nomination and summarise the basis for their nomination of this particular individual
  8. Check for any other requirements for the particular award
  9. Nominations are sent/emailed to office(at)
  10. Nominations for NZPsS awards go to the Awards Committee (a sub-committee of the NZPsS Executive) and a recommendation is made to the Executive.
  11.  The Executive will determine whether the recommendation is accepted or not and the nominee will be advised by the NZPsS National Office.
  12. The awardee will be invited to accept their award at the awards ceremony at the NZPsS conference

The Society offers a number of awards. Click on the guideline form for each award

C.J. Adcock Award (offered in 2024)

The Adcock Award recognises an individual who has made valuable and significant contributions to scholarship and research in psychology in the past five years in a range of fields of psychology. The award is offered every 4 years. C.J. Adcock Award

G.V. Goddard Early Career Award -Achievement and Excellence in Applied Psychology (offered in 2024) 
This award recognises early career achievement and excellence in applied and professional psychology. Recipients need not be current members of the Society at the time of nomination but they do need to be eligible for membership. The award is offered every two years. Goddard Applied Psychology Award

Public Interest Award (offered in 2024)
The Public Interest Award recognises valuable contributions to psychology in the service of the public interest. This award is open to members and non-members of the Society. The award is offered every four years. Public Interest Award

Jamieson Award (offered in 2022) 
The Jamieson Award recognises significant contributions of NZPsS members to I/O psychology in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The award is offered every 4 years. Jamieson Award

Dame Marie Clay award (offered in 2023)
The Dame Marie Clay Award recognises valuable contributions to educational and developmental psychology of NZPsS Members through original research (researcher) the dissemination of research (teacher) or best practice (exemplary practitioner). This award is offered every two years. Dame Marie Clay Award.

G.V. Goddard Early Career Award -Achievement and Excellence in Research and Scholarship (offered in 2023) 
This award recognises early career achievement and excellence in research and scholarship in basic psychological science. Nominees are not required to be current members of the Society at the time of nomination but they do need to be eligible for membership. The award is offered every two years. Goddard Research Award.

Hunter Award (offered in 2022)
The Hunter Award recognises and encourages excellence in scholarship, research, and professional achievement in psychology. This award is offered every 3 years. Hunter Award

Ballin Award ( offered in 2023)
Awarded to a Member/Fellow of the Society who is deemed to have made a notably significant contribution in the Aotearoa New Zealand context, to the development or enhancement of clinical psychology. The award is offered every 4 years. Ballin Award

Applying for NZPsS scholarships

The NZPsS offers two scholarships annually- the Karahipi Tumuaki – President’s scholarship and the Postgraduate Psychology Student Social Justice Research Scholarship.

Karahipi Tumuaki- The President’s Scholarship- Closing Date 26 July 2024

The Society offers the Karahipi Tumuaki President’s Scholarship which recognises research that is Māori centred and of value to the Māori community. The Scholarship is valued at $5000 plus one year’s free membership of the Society. If the recipient is a Full Member of the Society, the subscription fee will be waived for one year. If the recipient is not a member, they will receive a year’s free subscribership for their first year of full membership after being a student. This scholarship is offered each year.

Download Karahipi 2023 information
Download Karahipi 2023 application form

Postgraduate Student Social Justice Research Scholarship - Closing Date 26 July 2024

The postgraduate student social justice research scholarship was established in 2017 to support the research of NZPsS student subscribers in the area of social justice.
This scholarship is intended to support students studying psychology to conduct research on a significant social justice issue e.g. poverty, social inequality, discrimination etc. as part of a recognized post-graduate degree in psychology at a New Zealand university.

Download Student Social Justice Scholarship guidelines.
Download Student Social Justice Scholarship Application Form 2023
