External Events


Links to Other Workshop Providers [Disclaimer:  The events advertised on this page are neither accredited nor endorsed in any way by the NZ Psychological Society.  They are advertised on behalf of external providers for information only.  All enquiries must be directed through the relevant link provided below.] If you would like to advertise on this page please contact us.

2024 Professional Development Events



Trauma Education presented by Dr Leah Giarratano
Treating PTSD and Complex Trauma (Day 1-4) with Dr Leah Giarratano. Core 30-hour online international training for all mental health professionals working with traumatised populations.
Self-paced online over three months commencing on delivery of your printed materials or on 1 February, 1 April, 1 July or 1 October 2024.  You can complete the program entirely self-paced in your own time without time off work.
Join our highly interactive Day 1-4 livestreams on:
5-6 + 12-13 September 2024 between 9am-5pm NZST
21-22 + 28-29 November 2024 between 9am-5pm AEDT (which is 11am-7pm in NZ)
20-21 + 27-28 March 2025 between 9am-5pm AEDT (which is 11am-7pm in NZ)
19-20 + 26-27 June 2025 between 9am-5pm AWST (which is 1pm-9pm in NZ)

Day 1-4 Fee is $1,290 AUD for NZ residents. Please register one month prior and allow 2-3 weeks for delivery of printed materials. Your program fee includes access to both modes to help consolidate your learning. 
Click the title above for the program flyer or the following link for all upcoming offerings click here.


Neurodiversity - Affirming Care: Supporting Clients from Diagnosis to Treatment by Dr. Amy Marschall
Christchurch: 3rd August
Auckland: 9th August
In this full day workshop, Dr. Marschall through everything you need to know about helping clients of all age ranges from recognising neurodivergence, getting tested, and how to treat with a safe, trauma-informed approach. 
For more info, click here.


Telemental Health: A Real Solution for Rural Mental Health by Dr. Amy Marschall
Queenstown & Online: 22nd July
In this half day workshop, Dr. Marschall will go over the effective use of telemental health in a rural setting, how to connect with clients, ethical considerations, risk management, and treatment conditions for children, teens and adults inlcuding modifiying in-person activities to the online settings.
For more info, click here.



Late Identified Neurodivergence: Supporting Neurodivergent Adults by Dr. Amy Marschall
Wellington: 26th July
Rotorua: 8th August
In this half-day workshop, Dr. Marschall will talk about those who were diagnosed as neurodiverse in adulthood and the unique challenges they face as well as approaches best to use with this population. 
For more info, click here.



Affairs, Infidelity and Relationship: Working with crises of trust & respect presented by Nic Beets - Auckland, September 2024
Discover the transformative power of addressing infidelity effectively. Whether you specialize in working with couples or individuals, this workshop is tailor-made to elevate your practice. Gain the tools to effectively address and heal the wounds caused by infidelity, fostering profound growth and renewal in your clients' lives. In this dynamic and practical two-day workshop, you will learn key assessment targets and straightforward interventions that can settle your client(s) right down and give them the best possible chance to turn this crisis into growth, learning and deeper intimacy.



ACT & Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD
Mon, 2 Sep  - Tue, 3 Sep 2024 
Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre, Auckland
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the most effective treatment for OCD. Integrating ACT enhances ERP therapy by increasing precision and connecting behaviour to client values. This two-day workshop will cover how to use Exposure and Response Prevention in therapy, the inhibitory learning approach to exposure therapy, how ACT can increase engagement and the effectiveness of ERPand  how to avoid common pitfalls. This workshop is designed for mental health clinicians of any discipline. Prior knowledge of ACT and ERP is an advantage but not required for this workshop.
Ben Sedley is New Zealand's only peer-reviewed ACT Trainer. He is a clinical psychologist and co-founder of ACT Wellington. He has been using ACT in his practice for over 15 years, and has been trained and supervised by many of the world’s leading ACT therapists and researchers. Ben has worked at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, in private practice with adults and adolescents, and trained new clinical psychology students at Victoria University of Wellington. Ben wrote Stuff that Sucks: Accepting what you can’t change and committing to what you can which introduces ACT to teenagers and Stuff That’s Loud: A Teen’s Guide to Unspiralling When OCD Gets Noisy (co-authored with Lisa Coyne).
For more info and bookings, click here



Compassionate Communication for Professionals, 13th-15th September - Wanaka by Restorative Relationships
This training draws from the internationally renowned principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and from Toni’s 14 years of experience facilitating communication workshops, providing mediation, counselling and communication trainings for couples, families and other groups with differing perspectives and interests, including FDR (Family Dispute Resolution).
For more information, click here.



Child and Adolescent ISST Schema Therapy Training presented by Estelle Macdonald
1-12 September: In person in Wellington
23-25 October: Online
Come and learn about how schema therapy can be applied to children and adolescent clients. Schema therapy is helpful for those young clients who are struggling with a variety of issues, including trauma, anxiety, attachment difficulties and so forth. It involves not just cognitive strategies but also experiential work, involving chair dialogue work, imagery work and parent coaching.



Adult ISST Schema Therapy Training presented Dr Arnie Reed and Estelle Macdonald
9-11 October: In person in Wellington
Schema therapy is an integrative therapy that helps clients learn how to get their psychological needs met in a healthy way. It involves emotional experiential work (including chair work and imagery rescripting) and cognitive/behavioural strategies that lead to positive shifts in ways of thinking, feeling, coping and relating.



Introduction to Dance Movement Therapy Workshop
Are you interested in adding an additional body-based skill to your kete? Dance movement therapy (DMT) is an evidence-based modality that complements psychology and counselling practice, enabling you to support your kiritahi from a holistic and somatic perspective. Dance Therapy Training Aotearoa has been proudly empowering therapy practitioners since 2014 and are offering an Introduction to DMT workshop.
This 13-hour training introduces participants to foundational skills and practices in the field of dance movement therapy - including many opportunities to experience a range of DMT approaches firsthand. The workshop can also serve as a pathway into our two-year part-time Diploma in Dance Movement Therapy.  You can participate in Auckland on 12-13 October or online 1-3 November. Click here for more information.



Collaborative & Proactive Solutions: In-Person Training with Dr. Ross Greene, PhD - Christchurch in November 2024
Christchurch- 4th November (Introductory Course) & 5th November (Advanced Course)
The CPS model has transformed thinking and practices in countless families, schools, inpatient psychiatric units, and residential and juvenile detention facilities throughout the world, and has been associated with dramatic reductions in adult-child conflict, concerning behaviours, disciplinary referrals, detentions, suspensions, restraints, and seclusions.



Australian & New Zealand Spinal Cord Society 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting

SustainABILITY | Connect - Respect - Heal, 27 - 29 November 2024, Fremantle, WA



NZ Association of Positive Psychology Symposium 2024 - September, Auckland
Thrive Aotearoa - Connecting Minds, Trnasforming Lives

