Institute of Counselling Psychology (ICounsPsy)
The Institute of Counselling Psychology is a professional sub-group of the NZ Psychological Society. It has been in existence since September 2003.
The Institute defines counselling psychology as:
“A psychological speciality that utilises and applies psychological knowledge and research at the individual, group and organisational level. Counselling psychologists enable and empower clients experiencing typical and atypical problems of living to enhance their personal, social, educational and vocational functioning.”
The speciality embraces a range of approaches including preventative and educational programmes, and acknowledges the importance of phenomenological perspectives as well as the influence of developmental and ecological factors.
The Institute is established with a commitment to biculturalism and cultural diversity, in the interests of the public and the profession, to promote the highest standards of knowledge and practice in counselling psychology in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Specifically the Institute aims to:
- Promote high standards of ethical and professional practice by counselling psychologists
- Advise on accreditation of training courses in counselling psychology to ensure the competence of practitioners
- Monitor and maintain membership standards to ensure the competence of practising counselling psychologists
- Promote the discipline of counselling psychology in New Zealand.
Our 2022/23 Institute Committee consists of:
Amanda Gilmour - Chair
Mark Haxell
Alf Fry
Ellie Fourie
Dana Lee
Chantal Nixon
How to join the Institute of Counselling Psychology
Members of NZPsS may apply to join under one of the following five categories:
(Applicants must be current members of the New Zealand Psychological Society.)
click here to apply online for any of the categories below
Please email the Supervisor’s Report to your supervisor/s who will complete and forward it directly to national office.
Full Member (Practitioner) status is open to anyone who:
1) has an Aotearoa/New Zealand recognised postgraduate qualification in Counselling Psychology
– Demonstrable qualification and supervised practice in Counselling Psychology
2) Counselling/Psychotherapy and Psychology equivalent to #1 above.
3) Exceptional applications will be considered on a case by case basis.
Full Member (Academic) status is open to anyone who has:
1) Membership of NZPsS, with an Aotearoa/New Zealand recognised postgraduate qualification in Counselling Psychology, and who is engaged in teaching and research.
2) Membership of NZPsS, with demonstrable qualification in Counselling Psychology or Counselling/Psychotherapy and Psychology, and who is engaged in teaching and research.
Provisional Member
– Provisional Membership is intended for candidates for Full Member (Practitioner), who are expected to complete an individually specified professional development programme, including an approved supervision arrangement, which will realistically enable them to meet the above criteria for Full Member (Practitioner) within 24 months.
Supervisor’s Report
Click here for the ICounsPsy Supervisor’s report.
– Subscriber status may be granted at the discretion of the Management Committee of the Institute to any person who is working in a related field and has an interest in Counselling Psychology but who does not meet the criteria referred to above.
Apply online
Student Subscriber status is open to anyone who:
– Is currently enrolled in the Post Graduate Diploma of Counselling Psychology or equivalent qualification
– Has been accepted to be enrolled in the Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology or equivalent qualification.
Please note that NZPsS student subscribers can become institute student subscribers only. To become a full member of an institute you need to be a full member of NZPsS first.
Click here for ICounsPsy Student Subscriber application form
Membership Fees: Membership is free (included in your annual NZPsS subscription).
Contact the membership administrator on
for more information