Archived Journals pre 1995
The current issue of the New Zealand Journal of Psychology is only available to members of the Society and those who subscribe to the Journal service (www.psychology.org.nz/members-only/current-issue).
Contents: Volume 23, No.2, December 1994
Consciousness – A Folk View – Simon Kemp, K T Strongman
The Behavioural Effects of Long-Term Use of Benzodiazepine Sedative and Hypnotic Drugs: What can be learned from Animal Studies? – Paul F Smith, Cynthia L Darlington
The Anger Self Report: A Psychometrically Sound (30 Item) Version – Nicola S Reynolds, Frank H Walkey, Dianne E Green
Personal Values of Wellingtonians: A Multi-dimensional Scaling Analysis – Michael W Allen
Book Reviews: Language Acquisition: Core Readings (Paul Bloom) by Jan McAllister; Power in Language: Verbal communication and social influence (Sik Hung Ng & James Bradac) by Ray Nairn; The Cognitive Brain (A Trehub) by Michael Corballis; Lifeskills Helping (Richard Nelson-Jones) by Peter Stanley; Nietzsche and Psychoanalysis (Daniel Chapelle) by Malcolm Robertson
Contents: Volume 23, No.1, June 1994
Secrets of the Face – Gillian Rhodes
The Emerging Biology of Social Intervention in the Treatment of Psychological Disorders – Paul F Smith
The Health Reform Advertisements: What are they all about and what will they mean to you? – Mandy Morgan, Keith F Tuffin, Lesley G Frederikson, Antonia C Lyons, Christine Stephens
Brief Note. The Infant Characteristics Questionnaire: Evaluation with a New Zealand Sample – Richard J Siegert, Claire Scannell, Wendy V Parr
Book Reviews: Memory: Phenomena, Experiment and Theory (Alan Parkin) by Janice Murray
Contents: Volume 22, No.2, December 1993
Cognition in Close Relationships – Garth J O Fletcher
The Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment of Chronic Organic Solvent Neurotoxicity: A Case Series – Jenni A Ogden
The Effects of Contrast Reversal on the Direct, Indirect, and Interocularly-transferred Tilt After Effect – Robert P O’Shea, Russell G Wilson, Alan Duckett
Observing Social Value Orientations: A Social Interdependence Approach – Michael J Platow
Brief Report. When do Caricatures Look Good? – Gillian Rhodes
Book Reviews: Understanding children’s development (Anne Smith) by Mark Byrd; Nurses and their work (Sik Hung Ng, Lesley Jenkins, Alison Dixon & Fiona Cram) by Michael J Platow; Psychology and social issues: A tutorial text (Raymond Cochrane & Douglas Carroll) by Mark Byrd; Adolescents and their families: An introduction to assessment and intervention (Mark Worden) by Cynthia M Bulik; The lopsided ape: Evolution of the generative mind (Michael Corballis) by Gillian Rhodes
Contents: Volume 22, No.1, June 1993
Industrial/Organizational Psychology in New Zealand – Bruce Jamieson, Janice Paterson
Roles for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists: A Survey of New Zealand Managerial Personnel – Glenn Hansson, Michael O’Driscoll
Personnel Selection Methods Used by New Zealand Organsiations and Personnel Consulting Firms – Paul Taylor, Aaron Mills, Michael O’Driscoll
The Application of Organizational Justice Theories to Selection Fairness Research – Ming Singer
A Job Satisfaction Scale for Nurses – Sik Hung Ng
Organisational Behaviour in New Zealand, 1987-92: A Review – Kerr Inkson, Janice Paterson
Contents: Volume 21, No.2, December 1992
Anxiety, Depression and Cognitive Self-Statements: A Factor Analytic Study – Richard J Siegert, Frank H Walkey, Antony J W Taylor
Cross-Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology Training Programmes – Elizabeth C Brady
Pre-Operative Anxiety and Repressive Coping Style: a Commentary – Elaine Fox
Communication in Television Soaps – Arnold S Chamove, Paula Mullins
Anxiety and Desire for Control – Edward J Wilkinson, Arnold S Chamove
Anxiety and Desire for Control – Shaila D Mehta, Colleen ward, Ken Strongman
Book Reviews: Challenging the Therapeutic State: Critical Perspectives on Psychiatry and the Mental Health System (David Cohen) by Cynthia M Bulik; Psychology and Social Change (Thomas Veno) by Fiona Cram; Power Learning (G Gawith) by Barrie G Stacey; Detection Theory: A User’s guide (N A Macmillan and C D Creelman) by R John Irwin
Contents: Volume 21, No.1, June 1992
Mother-Child Interactions in Competent and Aggressive Dyads: Implications of Relationship Stress for Behaviour Therapy with Families – Jean E Dumas, Peter J LaFreniere, Louise Beaudin, Pierrette Verlaan
Home-School Partnerships: A Behavioural-Community Approach to Childhood Behaviour Disorders – Ian M Evans, Akiko Okifuji
New directions in behavioural family intervention with children: From clinical management to prevention – Matthew R Sanders
Family Practices and the Larger Social Context – Anthony Biglan
Book Reviews: International review of studies on emotion (K T Strongman) by Julie Fitness; Handbook for student skills for the social sciences and the humanities (Neil Burdess) by Clare Lange; Psychological and biological approaches to emotion (N Stein, B Leventhal, T Trabasso) by Julie Fitness
Contents: Volume 20, No.2, December 1991
Impulsivity in Social Drinkers – Peter Sarfati, K Geoffrey White
Are women perceived as underpaid? Magnitude estimation of the value of male- and female dominated occupations – Tracey Bond, Simon Kemp
Attachment Styles and Relationship Satisfaction in the Development of Close Relationships – Jean R Hammond, Garth J O Fletcher
Sexual victimization among Auckland University students: How much and who does it? – Nicola J Gavey
Book Reviews: Handbook of Research on Face Processing (A W Young & H D Ellis) by Gillian Rhodes; Carl Rogers: Dialogues & The Carl Rogers Reader (H Kirschenbaum & V L Henderson) by W A M Black; Visual Agnosia: Disorders of Object Recognition and What They Tell us about Normal Vision (M J Farah) by Michael Corballis; Medieval Psychology (S Kemp) by David Youngmeyer; Anxiety (N McNaughton & G Andrews) by Neville Blampied; Applied Behavior Analysis (J O Cooper, T E Heron & W L Heward) by Neville Blampied
Contents: Volume 20, No.1, June 1991
Animal, Machines, and People – Michael C Corballis
Self-Concept and Sport Participation – Eleni Zaharopoulos, Ken P Hodge
The Effects of Cooperative and Competitive Learning Methods on the Mathematics Achievement, Attitudes Toward School, Self-Concepts and Friendship Choices of Maori, Pakeha and Samoan Children – Krystyna M Rzoska, Colleen Ward
Behavioural Recovery from Periperal Vestibular Lesions as a Model of Recovery from Brain Damage– Cynthia L Darlington, Paul F Smith
Book Reviews: Refugee resettlement and well-being (M Abbott) by Colleen Ward; Closure on Gestaltist (Ronald Ley) by Ken Strongman; Folk Emotions (Zoltan Kovecses) by Ken Strongman; No Flight of Fantasy (David O’Hare, Stanley Roscoe) by Dean H Owen
Contents: Volume 19, No.2, December 1990
Emotion – The State of the Various Sciences – K T Strongman
The Social Psychology of Account-Making: Meaning, Hope and Generativity – John H Harvey, Terri L Orbuch, Kelly Fink
Use of Mirror Reflection for Self and Non-self Search During the Second Year – Jeff Field, Janina Adamiak
Emotion Labelling in Close Relationships – Julie Fitness, Garth J O Fletcher
Memory Representations of Unfamiliar Faces: Coding of Distinctive Information – Gillian Rhodes, Joanna Moody
Commentaries on “The Two Profiles of Psychology” (Corballis)
A Two-faced Reply – Michael C Corballis
Critical Notice: Dyslexia (J Whyte) by Michael C Corballis
Book reviews: Theories of visual perception (I E Gordon) by Robert O’Shea; The advantage of being useless: The Tao of the counsellor (George Sweet) by Malcolm Stewart; Encounters with Great Psychologists (John H Kunkel) by Julie Bunnell; Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Colleen Ward) by Padmal de Silva;
Obituary Artur Zylinski Arthur
Contents: Volume 19, No.1, June 1990
The Two Profiles of Psychology – Michael C Corballis
Contexts for Boys and Girls Learning Mathematics: Teacher Interactions and Student Behaviour in Two Classrooms – Anne B Smith, Ted L Glynn
A Test of Remote Memory for Use with New Zealand Subjects – Fiona J Longmore, Robert G Knight, Barry E Longmore
New Zealand Managers and Job Stress: Testing the Stimulation-Strain Theory – Alan J Geare
Action of Septal Lesions on Facilitation Rather Than Inhibition of Responding in Conditioned Suppression – N McNaughton
Book Reviews: There’s More to Seeing than Meets the Eye (GW Humphreys, V Bruce) by G Rhodes
Contents: Volume 18, No.2, December 1989
Anxiety: one label for many processes – Neil McNaughton
Replication of the Factor Structure of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist with New Zealand and United States Respondents – Dianne E Green, Frank H Walkey, Antony JW Taylor, Iain McCormick
The Effects of Cues on Young Children’s Recall of Real Events – J Clare Wilson, Margaret-Ellen Pipe
Knowing your Limits: Expertise and the Feeling of Knowing – Llinos Silyn Roberts, Gillian Rhodes
A Construct Validation of a Scale for Measuring Work Motivation – George Shouksmith
The Relationship Between Performance on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and Academic Results for Graduate Management Students -Graham R Elkin, Catherine Sneyd
Contact and Intimacy Patterns of Lonely Students – P Nicholas Harmid
Contents: Volume 18, No.1, June 1989
Intergroup Behaviour and the Self – Sik-Hung Ng
Development of Community Psychology in New Zealand: A Waikato Perspective – Neville R Robertson, David R Thomas, Mary-Anne B Dehar, Michelle Blaxall
Gender Differences in Leadership Aspirations – Ming Singer
Alcohol and Choice: The Context for Drinking – K Geoffrey White, Kevin W Moesbergen
Book Reviews: The ontogeny of information: Developmental systems and evolution (Susan Oyama) by Russell Gray; Social Change and Personality (M B Freedman) by Janice M Paterson; Sensory Analysis (D Laming) by R J Irwin; Stress: Theory and practice (Michael King, Gordon Stanley, Graham Burrow) by Rossana Mariezcurrena; Social Processes in Clinical and Counseling Psychology (James E Maddux, Cal D Stoltenberg, Robert Rosenwein) by Wendy Drewery
Contents: Volume 17, No.2, December 1988
Long-term Potentiation as a Possible Associative Memory Mechanism in the Brain – Wickliffe C Abraham
Development of a Test of Maori Knowledge – David R Thomas
The Organisation and Accuracy and Personality Impressions: Neophytes Versus Experts in Trait Attribution – Garth J O Fletcher, Faye Grigg, Vivienne Bull
Evaluation of a Local Area Network in an Undergraduate Psychology Teaching Laboratory – David K Bilkey, K Geoffrey White, Barry Dingwall, Louise Foord, Russell Phillips
He Whakautu: A response to Abbott and Durie – Ted Glynn, Keith Ballard
A brief measure of some components of the Type A Behaviour Pattern – Barbara J Chisholm, Robert G Knight
Book Reviews: Antarctic Psychology (A J W Taylor) by Robert A M Gregson; Social Psychology and Dysfunctional Behaviour: Origins, Diagnosis and Treatment (Mark R Leary, Rowland S Mille) by Ross Flett; Psychology Moving East (Geoffrey H Blowers, Alison M Turtle) by Jack Clarkson; Animal Learning: An Introduction (Stephen Walker) by Fiona McPherson
Contents: Volume 17, No.1, June 1988
The Psychology of Intergroup Discrimination – Graham M Vaughan
The Evaluation of Single Centrally Mounted Auxiliary Stop-Lights: A New Zealand Field Test – Iain A McCormick, Kay Allen
Effect of Environmental Context on Performance in a University Examination: A Null Result – Michael C Corballis
Onset of Motor Neglect Following a Right Parietal Infarct and its Recovery Consequent on the Removal of a Right Frontal Meningioma – Jenni A Ogden
Assessing the Self-Esteem of New Zealand Adolescents – David Watkins, Maureen Alabaster, Susan Freemantle
The Attitudes and Responses of Wellington Adolescents to Nuclear War and other Nuclear Issues – Antony J W Taylor, M Dean Patten
The Relevance of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire in a New Zealand Student Population – D W McKerracher, P Rich, B Niven
Book Reviews: Aspects of Face Processing (H D Ellis, M A Jeeves, F Newcombe, A Young) by Gill Rhodes; Advanced Methods in Psychobiology (J N Hingten, D Hellhammer, G Huppmann) by David Bilkey
Contents: Volume 16, No.2, December 1987
Severe Traumatic Head Injury and Social Behaviour: A Review – Hamish P D Godfrey, Nigel V Marsh, Fiona M Partridge
A Whiter Shade of Pale: Taha Maori and Professional Psychology Training – Max W Abbott, Mason H Durie
The Recovery of Spatial Deficits in a Young Man with a Fronto-Parietal Infarct of the Right Hemisphere – Jenni A Ogden
Development of a Brief Social Support Questionnaire – Richard J Siegert, M Dean Patten, Frank H Walkey
Life Experiences and Job Satisfaction Among Mobile and Stable Personnel on Large-Scale Construction Projects – Michael O’Driscoll, David Thomas
Some cognitive effects of wintering-over in the Antarctic – A J W Taylor, K Duncum
Book Reviews: Medical Thinking: The Psychology of Medical Judgement and Decision Making (S Schwartz, T Griffin) by Charles Sullivan; The Psychology of Emotion (Ken T Strongman) and Mind and Body – Psychology of Emotion and Stress (George Mandler) by Neil McNaughton; People and Enterprises: Human Behaviour in New Zealand Organisations (R McLennan, K Inkson, P Dewe, G Elkin) by Ming Singer; Electroshock: Its Brain-Disabling Effects (Peter R Breggin) by Gregory J Boyle; Essential Psychopathology (J S Maxmen) by Hamish PD Godfrey; Language Processing in Children and Adults: An Introduction (M Harris, M Coltheart) by Margaret-Ellen Pipe; Hypnosis: Questions and Answers (B Zilbergeld, M G Edelstein, D L Araoz) by Barbara Chisholm
Contents: Volume 16, No.1, June 1987
Perception of the Rate of Increase of Crime – Simon Kemp
Organisational Behaviour: A Review of New Zealand Research – Kerr Inkson
WISC-R Item Characteristics: A Study with 11-year-old- New Zealand Children – Ross St George, James W Chapman
New Zealand Attitudes to Mental Health – Dianne E Green, Frank H Walkey, Antony J W Taylor, Iain McCormick
Obituary Graham Valentine Goddard – K Geoffrey White
Book Reviews: Synaptic Plasticity (C Cotman) by Wickliffe C Abraham; Power, Dominance and Nonverbal Beahviour (Steve L Ellyson, John F Dovidio) by Gabrielle M Maxwell; Teaching Self Hypnosis – An Introductory Guide for Clinicians (D A Soskis) and Case Studies in Hypnotherapy (E T Dowd, J M Healey) by Graham Geddes; The Process of Committal (John Dawson) by Robert G Knight; Guide to the Use of Psychotropic Drugs (D Gillies, M Lader) by Gail Tripp
Contents: Volume 15, No.2, December 1986
Imitation of Television Aggression among Maori and European Boys and Girls – Peter A Ling, David R Thomas
Estimation of Measurement Redundancy across the Eight State Questionnaire and the Differential Emotions Scale – Gregory J Boyle
AAMD Adaptive Behaviour Scale: Normative, Reliability and Validity Data – Hamish PD Godfrey, Stephanie Frost, Eve Snelling, Robert G Knight, Eric J Shelton, Barry E Longmore
Complementary and Antagonistic Intergroup Differentiations by New Zealand Nurses – Sik Hung Ng, Fiona Cram
Obituary Alan Crowther
Book Reviews: Cognitive Learning and Memory in Children (Michael Pressley, Charles Brainerd) by Lisa Bird; Interpersonal Behaviour: The Psychology of Social Interaction (Joseph Forgas) by Niki Harré; the Attribution of Blame: Casuality, Responsibility and Blameworthiness (Kelly Shaver) by PeterWhite; Accounting for Aggression: Perspectives on Aggression and Violence (G Siann) by Peter White; Compatible and Incompatible Relationships (William Ickes) by Gregory White; Human Motivation and the Dynamic Calculus (Raymond Cattell) by Gregory Boyle; Memory Systems of the Brain (NM Weinberger, JL McGaugh, G Lynch) by MC Corballis
Contents: Volume 15, No.1, June 1986
From Thought to Action: Mechanism of Personal Agency – Albert Bandura
The Human Factor in New Zealand Aviation Accidents and Incidents – David O’Hare
A New Zealand Information Subtest for the WAIS-R – Keith Petrie, Carl Dibble, Myf Long-Taylor, Geoff Ruthe
Abstracts of the Fourth International Winter Conference on Brain Research – Queenstown 1985
Contents: Volume 14, No.2, December 1985
Souvenir de la Salpêtrière: M. Le Dr Freud a Paris, 1885 – Malcolm Macmillan
The Effects of a Need Hierarchy Orientation and Motivation in Study Skills Training – David E Clarke
The Mangere Home and School Remedial Reading Procedures: Continuing Research on their Effectiveness – Ted Glynn, Stuart McNaughton
Temporal Factors in Successive Discrimination – K Geoffrey White, Margare-Ellen Pipe, Anthony McLean, Selina Redman
Book and Test Reviews: Psychological Aspects of Nuclear War (James Thompson); The Threat of Nuclear War: A New Zealand Perspective (The Royal Society of New Zealand) by Barrie G Stacey; Mental Retardation in New Zealand (Nirbhay N Singh, Keri M Wilton) by Ivan L Beale; National Adult Reading Test (Hazel E Nelson) by Helen Fearnley; Clifton Assessment Procedure for the Elderley(A Pattie, C Gilleard) by Ruth Ross, Freda Walker, Eric Shelton)
Contents: Volume 14, No.1, June 1985
Modern Myth and Medieval Madness: Views of Mental Illness in the European Middle Ages and Renaissance – Simon Kemp
Activity During Inescapable Shock Subsequent Escape Avoidance Learning: Female and Male Rats Compared – Raymond C Kirk, Neville M Blampied
Occupational Alcoholism: The Relevance for New Zealand Organisations of Employee Assistance Programmes – Cynthia J Johnson, William A M Black
Postural Congruence and Judgements of Liking and Perceived Similarity – Gabrielle M Maxwell, Michael W Cook
Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help – Lois J Surgenor
Book and Test Reviews: Advances in Analysis of Behaviour, vol 2, Predictability, Correlation and Contiguity; vol 3, Biological Factors in Learning (Peter Harzem and Michael D Zeiler) by K Geoffrey White; Community Mental Health Services in New Zealand: Report and Reactions (Max Abbott) by John F Smith; Psychology Survey 5 (John Nicholson, Halla Beloff) by Ken Strongman; Comprehensive Ability Battery (A. Ralph Hakstian, Raymond B Cattell) by John Adcock; Family Environment Scale (Rudolf H Moos, Bernice S Moos) by John Gamby
Contents: Volume 13, No.2, December 1984
The assessment and remediation of memory disordered patients – Robert G Knight, David G Andrewes
Does Early Crawling Experience Affect Infants’ Emerging Spatial Orientation Abilities – Joan McComas, Jeff Field
Reliability and Normative Data for the Simple Rathus Assertiveness Schedule – Iain A McCormick, Murray Hahn, Frank H Walkey
Questionable Chronometry: Does Antarctic Isolation Produce Cognitive Slowing? – Arreed F Barabasz, Robert A M Gregson, Charles S Mullin
Cognitive Chronometry (out?) in the Cold – K Geoffrey White, A J W Taylor
Book Reviews: Towards Mental Health Law Reform (Mental Health Foundation) by Gregory L White; Handbook of Neuropsychological Assessment (Alex Gilandas, Stephen Touyz, Pierre J V Beumont, H P Greenberg) by Jenni A Ogden; Language and Action: A structural model of behaviour (D D Clarke) by Peter White; Stress and Fatigue in Human Performance (Robert Hockey); Human Factors: Understanding people-systems relationships (Barry H Kantowitz, Robert D Sorkin) by Paul Russell; Not in Our Genes (R C Lewontin, S Rose, L J Kamin) by Gregory L White; Amazon Mothers (Miriam Saphira) by Hilary Haines
Contents: Volume 13, No.1, June 1984
The Representativeness Heuristic and the Study of Judgement Under Certainty – Peter A White
Ambulation, Rearing and the Cholinergic Systems in the Septum – N McNaughton
Responses to Novelty in Rats with Lesions of the Dorsal Noradrenergic Bundle – N McNaughton, S Owen, M R Boarder, J A Gray, M Fillenz
Interpreting Stanford-Binet and WISC-R IQs in New Zealand: The need for more than caution -Keith D Ballard
Tests Recommended by New Zealand Hospital Psychologists – Robert G Knight, Hamish P D Godfrey
Book Reviews: Counselling: A Skills Approach (E A Munro, R J Manthei, J J Small) by John Elvidge; Pedestrian Accidents (A J Chapman, F M Wade, H C Foot) by Alan R Forbes; Intellectual Impairment: The Battle Against Handicap (Alister Heron, Mary Myers) by N N Singh; Sensation and Perception: An Integrated Approach (H R Schiffman) by Simon Kemp; Peer Relationships and Social Skills in Childhood (K H Rubin, H S Ross), Development of Nonverbal Behaviour in Children (R S Feldman) by J Field; Divorce in New Zealand: A social history (Roderick Phillips) by Gabrielle M Maxwell; Developmental Approaches to the Self (B Lee, G G Noam) by Barrie G Stacey; Understanding Children’s Development – A New Zealand Perspective (Anne B Smith), Disadvantaged 11 Years Olds (J Cox, G Jones) by Jan Watt; Traumatic Abuse and Neglect of Children at Home (Gertrude Williams, John Money) by James Ritchie; The Psychology of Cognition (Gillian Cohen) by M C Corballis
Obituaries, Richard Kammann and Hugh Priest
Contents: Volume 12, No.2, November 1983
An examination of the psychometric properties of the Crown-Crisp Experiential Index – R G Knight, Hendrika J Waal-Manning, G F Spears
Some psychometric properties of the Queensland Test of Cognitive Abilities with New Zealand European and Maori children – Ross St George
The Visual Analysis of Time Series Data: Issues affecting the assessment of behavioural interventions – Keith D Ballard
Sex Differences in Activities in Early Childhood Centres – Anne B Smith
Sex Differences in Causal Attributions for Marital Separation – Garth J O Fletcher
Book Reviews: Lateral Preferences and Human Behaviour (Clare Porac, Stanley Coren) by Ivan L Beale; Educational and Psychological Assessment of Exceptional Children (H L Swanson, B L Watson) by D W McKerracher; Child Abuse: A Community Concern (K Oates) by Max Abbott; Violence on Television (Hilary Haines) by K T Strongman; Symposium on Unemployment (Max Abbott) by Michael O’Driscoll; Psychology in Contemporary China (L B Brown) by W E Wilmott; Psychology and People: A Tutorial Text (Anthony Chapman, Anthony Gale) by George Shouksmith; Fact and Fantasy in Freudian Theory (P Kline) by R G Knight; Ergonomics at Work (D J Oborne) by A R Forbes
Contents: Volume 12, No.1, May 1983
Stimulus Generalization in Humans Viewed from a Signal Detection Perspective – David R Thomas, Mark B Vogt
Alcoholism in Industry: A Position Paper – Patrick E Bull
Objective Circumstance, Life Satisfactions, and Sense of Well-Being: Consistencies Across Time and Place– Richard Kamman
Female Homosexuality and the Custody of Children – R G Knight
Accuracy of Self-Assessment and its Relation with some Psychological and Biographical Factors – S Chatterji, Majula Mukerjee
A Note on the Chronometric Analaysis of Cognitive Ability: Antarctic Effects – K Geoffrey White, A J W Taylor, Iain McCormick
Titular Colonicity and Scholarship: New Zealand Research and Scholarly Impact – Michael A R Townsend
Book Reviews: Dyslexia Research and its Applications to Education (G Th. Pavlidis. T R Miles) by M C Corballis; Human Communication: Language and its Psychobiological Bases ( W S-Y Wang) by M B Simmonds; Personality, Roles and Social Behaviour (William Ickes, Eris S Knowles) by Barrie G Stacey; Schizophrenia and Madness (Andrew Croyden Smith) by H R Unger; Intuition, How we think and Act (Tony Bastick) by Carol Parrott; Substance Abuse: Clinical Problems and Perspectives (Joyce H Lowinson, Pedro Ruiz) by Max Abbott