Archived Journals pre 1995
The current issue of the New Zealand Journal of Psychology is only available to members of the Society and those who subscribe to the Journal service (
Contents: Volume 23, No.2, December 1994
Consciousness – A Folk View – Simon Kemp, K T Strongman
The Behavioural Effects of Long-Term Use of Benzodiazepine Sedative and Hypnotic Drugs: What can be learned from Animal Studies? – Paul F Smith, Cynthia L Darlington
The Anger Self Report: A Psychometrically Sound (30 Item) Version – Nicola S Reynolds, Frank H Walkey, Dianne E Green
Personal Values of Wellingtonians: A Multi-dimensional Scaling Analysis – Michael W Allen
Book Reviews: Language Acquisition: Core Readings (Paul Bloom) by Jan McAllister; Power in Language: Verbal communication and social influence (Sik Hung Ng & James Bradac) by Ray Nairn; The Cognitive Brain (A Trehub) by Michael Corballis; Lifeskills Helping (Richard Nelson-Jones) by Peter Stanley; Nietzsche and Psychoanalysis (Daniel Chapelle) by Malcolm Robertson
Contents: Volume 23, No.1, June 1994
Secrets of the Face – Gillian Rhodes
The Emerging Biology of Social Intervention in the Treatment of Psychological Disorders – Paul F Smith
The Health Reform Advertisements: What are they all about and what will they mean to you? – Mandy Morgan, Keith F Tuffin, Lesley G Frederikson, Antonia C Lyons, Christine Stephens
Brief Note. The Infant Characteristics Questionnaire: Evaluation with a New Zealand Sample – Richard J Siegert, Claire Scannell, Wendy V Parr
Book Reviews: Memory: Phenomena, Experiment and Theory (Alan Parkin) by Janice Murray
Contents: Volume 22, No.2, December 1993
Cognition in Close Relationships – Garth J O Fletcher
The Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment of Chronic Organic Solvent Neurotoxicity: A Case Series – Jenni A Ogden
The Effects of Contrast Reversal on the Direct, Indirect, and Interocularly-transferred Tilt After Effect – Robert P O’Shea, Russell G Wilson, Alan Duckett
Observing Social Value Orientations: A Social Interdependence Approach – Michael J Platow
Brief Report. When do Caricatures Look Good? – Gillian Rhodes
Book Reviews: Understanding children’s development (Anne Smith) by Mark Byrd; Nurses and their work (Sik Hung Ng, Lesley Jenkins, Alison Dixon & Fiona Cram) by Michael J Platow; Psychology and social issues: A tutorial text (Raymond Cochrane & Douglas Carroll) by Mark Byrd; Adolescents and their families: An introduction to assessment and intervention (Mark Worden) by Cynthia M Bulik; The lopsided ape: Evolution of the generative mind (Michael Corballis) by Gillian Rhodes
Contents: Volume 22, No.1, June 1993
Industrial/Organizational Psychology in New Zealand – Bruce Jamieson, Janice Paterson
Roles for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists: A Survey of New Zealand Managerial Personnel – Glenn Hansson, Michael O’Driscoll
Personnel Selection Methods Used by New Zealand Organsiations and Personnel Consulting Firms – Paul Taylor, Aaron Mills, Michael O’Driscoll
The Application of Organizational Justice Theories to Selection Fairness Research – Ming Singer
A Job Satisfaction Scale for Nurses – Sik Hung Ng
Organisational Behaviour in New Zealand, 1987-92: A Review – Kerr Inkson, Janice Paterson
Contents: Volume 21, No.2, December 1992
Anxiety, Depression and Cognitive Self-Statements: A Factor Analytic Study – Richard J Siegert, Frank H Walkey, Antony J W Taylor
Cross-Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology Training Programmes – Elizabeth C Brady
Pre-Operative Anxiety and Repressive Coping Style: a Commentary – Elaine Fox
Communication in Television Soaps – Arnold S Chamove, Paula Mullins
Anxiety and Desire for Control – Edward J Wilkinson, Arnold S Chamove
Anxiety and Desire for Control – Shaila D Mehta, Colleen ward, Ken Strongman
Book Reviews: Challenging the Therapeutic State: Critical Perspectives on Psychiatry and the Mental Health System (David Cohen) by Cynthia M Bulik; Psychology and Social Change (Thomas Veno) by Fiona Cram; Power Learning (G Gawith) by Barrie G Stacey; Detection Theory: A User’s guide (N A Macmillan and C D Creelman) by R John Irwin
Contents: Volume 21, No.1, June 1992
Mother-Child Interactions in Competent and Aggressive Dyads: Implications of Relationship Stress for Behaviour Therapy with Families – Jean E Dumas, Peter J LaFreniere, Louise Beaudin, Pierrette Verlaan
Home-School Partnerships: A Behavioural-Community Approach to Childhood Behaviour Disorders – Ian M Evans, Akiko Okifuji
New directions in behavioural family intervention with children: From clinical management to prevention – Matthew R Sanders
Family Practices and the Larger Social Context – Anthony Biglan
Book Reviews: International review of studies on emotion (K T Strongman) by Julie Fitness; Handbook for student skills for the social sciences and the humanities (Neil Burdess) by Clare Lange; Psychological and biological approaches to emotion (N Stein, B Leventhal, T Trabasso) by Julie Fitness
Contents: Volume 20, No.2, December 1991
Impulsivity in Social Drinkers – Peter Sarfati, K Geoffrey White
Are women perceived as underpaid? Magnitude estimation of the value of male- and female dominated occupations – Tracey Bond, Simon Kemp
Attachment Styles and Relationship Satisfaction in the Development of Close Relationships – Jean R Hammond, Garth J O Fletcher
Sexual victimization among Auckland University students: How much and who does it? – Nicola J Gavey
Book Reviews: Handbook of Research on Face Processing (A W Young & H D Ellis) by Gillian Rhodes; Carl Rogers: Dialogues & The Carl Rogers Reader (H Kirschenbaum & V L Henderson) by W A M Black; Visual Agnosia: Disorders of Object Recognition and What They Tell us about Normal Vision (M J Farah) by Michael Corballis; Medieval Psychology (S Kemp) by David Youngmeyer; Anxiety (N McNaughton & G Andrews) by Neville Blampied; Applied Behavior Analysis (J O Cooper, T E Heron & W L Heward) by Neville Blampied
Contents: Volume 20, No.1, June 1991
Animal, Machines, and People – Michael C Corballis
Self-Concept and Sport Participation – Eleni Zaharopoulos, Ken P Hodge
The Effects of Cooperative and Competitive Learning Methods on the Mathematics Achievement, Attitudes Toward School, Self-Concepts and Friendship Choices of Maori, Pakeha and Samoan Children – Krystyna M Rzoska, Colleen Ward
Behavioural Recovery from Periperal Vestibular Lesions as a Model of Recovery from Brain Damage– Cynthia L Darlington, Paul F Smith
Book Reviews: Refugee resettlement and well-being (M Abbott) by Colleen Ward; Closure on Gestaltist (Ronald Ley) by Ken Strongman; Folk Emotions (Zoltan Kovecses) by Ken Strongman; No Flight of Fantasy (David O’Hare, Stanley Roscoe) by Dean H Owen
Contents: Volume 19, No.2, December 1990
Emotion – The State of the Various Sciences – K T Strongman
The Social Psychology of Account-Making: Meaning, Hope and Generativity – John H Harvey, Terri L Orbuch, Kelly Fink
Use of Mirror Reflection for Self and Non-self Search During the Second Year – Jeff Field, Janina Adamiak
Emotion Labelling in Close Relationships – Julie Fitness, Garth J O Fletcher
Memory Representations of Unfamiliar Faces: Coding of Distinctive Information – Gillian Rhodes, Joanna Moody
Commentaries on “The Two Profiles of Psychology” (Corballis)
A Two-faced Reply – Michael C Corballis
Critical Notice: Dyslexia (J Whyte) by Michael C Corballis
Book reviews: Theories of visual perception (I E Gordon) by Robert O’Shea; The advantage of being useless: The Tao of the counsellor (George Sweet) by Malcolm Stewart; Encounters with Great Psychologists (John H Kunkel) by Julie Bunnell; Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Colleen Ward) by Padmal de Silva;
Obituary Artur Zylinski Arthur
Contents: Volume 19, No.1, June 1990
The Two Profiles of Psychology – Michael C Corballis
Contexts for Boys and Girls Learning Mathematics: Teacher Interactions and Student Behaviour in Two Classrooms – Anne B Smith, Ted L Glynn
A Test of Remote Memory for Use with New Zealand Subjects – Fiona J Longmore, Robert G Knight, Barry E Longmore
New Zealand Managers and Job Stress: Testing the Stimulation-Strain Theory – Alan J Geare
Action of Septal Lesions on Facilitation Rather Than Inhibition of Responding in Conditioned Suppression – N McNaughton
Book Reviews: There’s More to Seeing than Meets the Eye (GW Humphreys, V Bruce) by G Rhodes
Contents: Volume 18, No.2, December 1989
Anxiety: one label for many processes – Neil McNaughton
Replication of the Factor Structure of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist with New Zealand and United States Respondents – Dianne E Green, Frank H Walkey, Antony JW Taylor, Iain McCormick
The Effects of Cues on Young Children’s Recall of Real Events – J Clare Wilson, Margaret-Ellen Pipe
Knowing your Limits: Expertise and the Feeling of Knowing – Llinos Silyn Roberts, Gillian Rhodes
A Construct Validation of a Scale for Measuring Work Motivation – George Shouksmith
The Relationship Between Performance on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and Academic Results for Graduate Management Students -Graham R Elkin, Catherine Sneyd
Contact and Intimacy Patterns of Lonely Students – P Nicholas Harmid
Contents: Volume 18, No.1, June 1989
Intergroup Behaviour and the Self – Sik-Hung Ng
Development of Community Psychology in New Zealand: A Waikato Perspective – Neville R Robertson, David R Thomas, Mary-Anne B Dehar, Michelle Blaxall
Gender Differences in Leadership Aspirations – Ming Singer
Alcohol and Choice: The Context for Drinking – K Geoffrey White, Kevin W Moesbergen
Book Reviews: The ontogeny of information: Developmental systems and evolution (Susan Oyama) by Russell Gray; Social Change and Personality (M B Freedman) by Janice M Paterson; Sensory Analysis (D Laming) by R J Irwin; Stress: Theory and practice (Michael King, Gordon Stanley, Graham Burrow) by Rossana Mariezcurrena; Social Processes in Clinical and Counseling Psychology (James E Maddux, Cal D Stoltenberg, Robert Rosenwein) by Wendy Drewery
Contents: Volume 17, No.2, December 1988
Long-term Potentiation as a Possible Associative Memory Mechanism in the Brain – Wickliffe C Abraham
Development of a Test of Maori Knowledge – David R Thomas
The Organisation and Accuracy and Personality Impressions: Neophytes Versus Experts in Trait Attribution – Garth J O Fletcher, Faye Grigg, Vivienne Bull
Evaluation of a Local Area Network in an Undergraduate Psychology Teaching Laboratory – David K Bilkey, K Geoffrey White, Barry Dingwall, Louise Foord, Russell Phillips
He Whakautu: A response to Abbott and Durie – Ted Glynn, Keith Ballard
A brief measure of some components of the Type A Behaviour Pattern – Barbara J Chisholm, Robert G Knight
Book Reviews: Antarctic Psychology (A J W Taylor) by Robert A M Gregson; Social Psychology and Dysfunctional Behaviour: Origins, Diagnosis and Treatment (Mark R Leary, Rowland S Mille) by Ross Flett; Psychology Moving East (Geoffrey H Blowers, Alison M Turtle) by Jack Clarkson; Animal Learning: An Introduction (Stephen Walker) by Fiona McPherson
Contents: Volume 17, No.1, June 1988
The Psychology of Intergroup Discrimination – Graham M Vaughan
The Evaluation of Single Centrally Mounted Auxiliary Stop-Lights: A New Zealand Field Test – Iain A McCormick, Kay Allen
Effect of Environmental Context on Performance in a University Examination: A Null Result – Michael C Corballis
Onset of Motor Neglect Following a Right Parietal Infarct and its Recovery Consequent on the Removal of a Right Frontal Meningioma – Jenni A Ogden
Assessing the Self-Esteem of New Zealand Adolescents – David Watkins, Maureen Alabaster, Susan Freemantle
The Attitudes and Responses of Wellington Adolescents to Nuclear War and other Nuclear Issues – Antony J W Taylor, M Dean Patten
The Relevance of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire in a New Zealand Student Population – D W McKerracher, P Rich, B Niven
Book Reviews: Aspects of Face Processing (H D Ellis, M A Jeeves, F Newcombe, A Young) by Gill Rhodes; Advanced Methods in Psychobiology (J N Hingten, D Hellhammer, G Huppmann) by David Bilkey
Contents: Volume 16, No.2, December 1987
Severe Traumatic Head Injury and Social Behaviour: A Review – Hamish P D Godfrey, Nigel V Marsh, Fiona M Partridge
A Whiter Shade of Pale: Taha Maori and Professional Psychology Training – Max W Abbott, Mason H Durie
The Recovery of Spatial Deficits in a Young Man with a Fronto-Parietal Infarct of the Right Hemisphere – Jenni A Ogden
Development of a Brief Social Support Questionnaire – Richard J Siegert, M Dean Patten, Frank H Walkey
Life Experiences and Job Satisfaction Among Mobile and Stable Personnel on Large-Scale Construction Projects – Michael O’Driscoll, David Thomas
Some cognitive effects of wintering-over in the Antarctic – A J W Taylor, K Duncum
Book Reviews: Medical Thinking: The Psychology of Medical Judgement and Decision Making (S Schwartz, T Griffin) by Charles Sullivan; The Psychology of Emotion (Ken T Strongman) and Mind and Body – Psychology of Emotion and Stress (George Mandler) by Neil McNaughton; People and Enterprises: Human Behaviour in New Zealand Organisations (R McLennan, K Inkson, P Dewe, G Elkin) by Ming Singer; Electroshock: Its Brain-Disabling Effects (Peter R Breggin) by Gregory J Boyle; Essential Psychopathology (J S Maxmen) by Hamish PD Godfrey; Language Processing in Children and Adults: An Introduction (M Harris, M Coltheart) by Margaret-Ellen Pipe; Hypnosis: Questions and Answers (B Zilbergeld, M G Edelstein, D L Araoz) by Barbara Chisholm
Contents: Volume 16, No.1, June 1987
Perception of the Rate of Increase of Crime – Simon Kemp
Organisational Behaviour: A Review of New Zealand Research – Kerr Inkson
WISC-R Item Characteristics: A Study with 11-year-old- New Zealand Children – Ross St George, James W Chapman
New Zealand Attitudes to Mental Health – Dianne E Green, Frank H Walkey, Antony J W Taylor, Iain McCormick
Obituary Graham Valentine Goddard – K Geoffrey White
Book Reviews: Synaptic Plasticity (C Cotman) by Wickliffe C Abraham; Power, Dominance and Nonverbal Beahviour (Steve L Ellyson, John F Dovidio) by Gabrielle M Maxwell; Teaching Self Hypnosis – An Introductory Guide for Clinicians (D A Soskis) and Case Studies in Hypnotherapy (E T Dowd, J M Healey) by Graham Geddes; The Process of Committal (John Dawson) by Robert G Knight; Guide to the Use of Psychotropic Drugs (D Gillies, M Lader) by Gail Tripp
Contents: Volume 15, No.2, December 1986
Imitation of Television Aggression among Maori and European Boys and Girls – Peter A Ling, David R Thomas
Estimation of Measurement Redundancy across the Eight State Questionnaire and the Differential Emotions Scale – Gregory J Boyle
AAMD Adaptive Behaviour Scale: Normative, Reliability and Validity Data – Hamish PD Godfrey, Stephanie Frost, Eve Snelling, Robert G Knight, Eric J Shelton, Barry E Longmore
Complementary and Antagonistic Intergroup Differentiations by New Zealand Nurses – Sik Hung Ng, Fiona Cram
Obituary Alan Crowther
Book Reviews: Cognitive Learning and Memory in Children (Michael Pressley, Charles Brainerd) by Lisa Bird; Interpersonal Behaviour: The Psychology of Social Interaction (Joseph Forgas) by Niki Harré; the Attribution of Blame: Casuality, Responsibility and Blameworthiness (Kelly Shaver) by PeterWhite; Accounting for Aggression: Perspectives on Aggression and Violence (G Siann) by Peter White; Compatible and Incompatible Relationships (William Ickes) by Gregory White; Human Motivation and the Dynamic Calculus (Raymond Cattell) by Gregory Boyle; Memory Systems of the Brain (NM Weinberger, JL McGaugh, G Lynch) by MC Corballis
Contents: Volume 15, No.1, June 1986
From Thought to Action: Mechanism of Personal Agency – Albert Bandura
The Human Factor in New Zealand Aviation Accidents and Incidents – David O’Hare
A New Zealand Information Subtest for the WAIS-R – Keith Petrie, Carl Dibble, Myf Long-Taylor, Geoff Ruthe
Abstracts of the Fourth International Winter Conference on Brain Research – Queenstown 1985
Contents: Volume 14, No.2, December 1985
Souvenir de la Salpêtrière: M. Le Dr Freud a Paris, 1885 – Malcolm Macmillan
The Effects of a Need Hierarchy Orientation and Motivation in Study Skills Training – David E Clarke
The Mangere Home and School Remedial Reading Procedures: Continuing Research on their Effectiveness – Ted Glynn, Stuart McNaughton
Temporal Factors in Successive Discrimination – K Geoffrey White, Margare-Ellen Pipe, Anthony McLean, Selina Redman
Book and Test Reviews: Psychological Aspects of Nuclear War (James Thompson); The Threat of Nuclear War: A New Zealand Perspective (The Royal Society of New Zealand) by Barrie G Stacey; Mental Retardation in New Zealand (Nirbhay N Singh, Keri M Wilton) by Ivan L Beale; National Adult Reading Test (Hazel E Nelson) by Helen Fearnley; Clifton Assessment Procedure for the Elderley(A Pattie, C Gilleard) by Ruth Ross, Freda Walker, Eric Shelton)
Contents: Volume 14, No.1, June 1985
Modern Myth and Medieval Madness: Views of Mental Illness in the European Middle Ages and Renaissance – Simon Kemp
Activity During Inescapable Shock Subsequent Escape Avoidance Learning: Female and Male Rats Compared – Raymond C Kirk, Neville M Blampied
Occupational Alcoholism: The Relevance for New Zealand Organisations of Employee Assistance Programmes – Cynthia J Johnson, William A M Black
Postural Congruence and Judgements of Liking and Perceived Similarity – Gabrielle M Maxwell, Michael W Cook
Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help – Lois J Surgenor
Book and Test Reviews: Advances in Analysis of Behaviour, vol 2, Predictability, Correlation and Contiguity; vol 3, Biological Factors in Learning (Peter Harzem and Michael D Zeiler) by K Geoffrey White; Community Mental Health Services in New Zealand: Report and Reactions (Max Abbott) by John F Smith; Psychology Survey 5 (John Nicholson, Halla Beloff) by Ken Strongman; Comprehensive Ability Battery (A. Ralph Hakstian, Raymond B Cattell) by John Adcock; Family Environment Scale (Rudolf H Moos, Bernice S Moos) by John Gamby
Contents: Volume 13, No.2, December 1984
The assessment and remediation of memory disordered patients – Robert G Knight, David G Andrewes
Does Early Crawling Experience Affect Infants’ Emerging Spatial Orientation Abilities – Joan McComas, Jeff Field
Reliability and Normative Data for the Simple Rathus Assertiveness Schedule – Iain A McCormick, Murray Hahn, Frank H Walkey
Questionable Chronometry: Does Antarctic Isolation Produce Cognitive Slowing? – Arreed F Barabasz, Robert A M Gregson, Charles S Mullin
Cognitive Chronometry (out?) in the Cold – K Geoffrey White, A J W Taylor
Book Reviews: Towards Mental Health Law Reform (Mental Health Foundation) by Gregory L White; Handbook of Neuropsychological Assessment (Alex Gilandas, Stephen Touyz, Pierre J V Beumont, H P Greenberg) by Jenni A Ogden; Language and Action: A structural model of behaviour (D D Clarke) by Peter White; Stress and Fatigue in Human Performance (Robert Hockey); Human Factors: Understanding people-systems relationships (Barry H Kantowitz, Robert D Sorkin) by Paul Russell; Not in Our Genes (R C Lewontin, S Rose, L J Kamin) by Gregory L White; Amazon Mothers (Miriam Saphira) by Hilary Haines
Contents: Volume 13, No.1, June 1984
The Representativeness Heuristic and the Study of Judgement Under Certainty – Peter A White
Ambulation, Rearing and the Cholinergic Systems in the Septum – N McNaughton
Responses to Novelty in Rats with Lesions of the Dorsal Noradrenergic Bundle – N McNaughton, S Owen, M R Boarder, J A Gray, M Fillenz
Interpreting Stanford-Binet and WISC-R IQs in New Zealand: The need for more than caution -Keith D Ballard
Tests Recommended by New Zealand Hospital Psychologists – Robert G Knight, Hamish P D Godfrey
Book Reviews: Counselling: A Skills Approach (E A Munro, R J Manthei, J J Small) by John Elvidge; Pedestrian Accidents (A J Chapman, F M Wade, H C Foot) by Alan R Forbes; Intellectual Impairment: The Battle Against Handicap (Alister Heron, Mary Myers) by N N Singh; Sensation and Perception: An Integrated Approach (H R Schiffman) by Simon Kemp; Peer Relationships and Social Skills in Childhood (K H Rubin, H S Ross), Development of Nonverbal Behaviour in Children (R S Feldman) by J Field; Divorce in New Zealand: A social history (Roderick Phillips) by Gabrielle M Maxwell; Developmental Approaches to the Self (B Lee, G G Noam) by Barrie G Stacey; Understanding Children’s Development – A New Zealand Perspective (Anne B Smith), Disadvantaged 11 Years Olds (J Cox, G Jones) by Jan Watt; Traumatic Abuse and Neglect of Children at Home (Gertrude Williams, John Money) by James Ritchie; The Psychology of Cognition (Gillian Cohen) by M C Corballis
Obituaries, Richard Kammann and Hugh Priest
Contents: Volume 12, No.2, November 1983
An examination of the psychometric properties of the Crown-Crisp Experiential Index – R G Knight, Hendrika J Waal-Manning, G F Spears
Some psychometric properties of the Queensland Test of Cognitive Abilities with New Zealand European and Maori children – Ross St George
The Visual Analysis of Time Series Data: Issues affecting the assessment of behavioural interventions – Keith D Ballard
Sex Differences in Activities in Early Childhood Centres – Anne B Smith
Sex Differences in Causal Attributions for Marital Separation – Garth J O Fletcher
Book Reviews: Lateral Preferences and Human Behaviour (Clare Porac, Stanley Coren) by Ivan L Beale; Educational and Psychological Assessment of Exceptional Children (H L Swanson, B L Watson) by D W McKerracher; Child Abuse: A Community Concern (K Oates) by Max Abbott; Violence on Television (Hilary Haines) by K T Strongman; Symposium on Unemployment (Max Abbott) by Michael O’Driscoll; Psychology in Contemporary China (L B Brown) by W E Wilmott; Psychology and People: A Tutorial Text (Anthony Chapman, Anthony Gale) by George Shouksmith; Fact and Fantasy in Freudian Theory (P Kline) by R G Knight; Ergonomics at Work (D J Oborne) by A R Forbes
Contents: Volume 12, No.1, May 1983
Stimulus Generalization in Humans Viewed from a Signal Detection Perspective – David R Thomas, Mark B Vogt
Alcoholism in Industry: A Position Paper – Patrick E Bull
Objective Circumstance, Life Satisfactions, and Sense of Well-Being: Consistencies Across Time and Place– Richard Kamman
Female Homosexuality and the Custody of Children – R G Knight
Accuracy of Self-Assessment and its Relation with some Psychological and Biographical Factors – S Chatterji, Majula Mukerjee
A Note on the Chronometric Analaysis of Cognitive Ability: Antarctic Effects – K Geoffrey White, A J W Taylor, Iain McCormick
Titular Colonicity and Scholarship: New Zealand Research and Scholarly Impact – Michael A R Townsend
Book Reviews: Dyslexia Research and its Applications to Education (G Th. Pavlidis. T R Miles) by M C Corballis; Human Communication: Language and its Psychobiological Bases ( W S-Y Wang) by M B Simmonds; Personality, Roles and Social Behaviour (William Ickes, Eris S Knowles) by Barrie G Stacey; Schizophrenia and Madness (Andrew Croyden Smith) by H R Unger; Intuition, How we think and Act (Tony Bastick) by Carol Parrott; Substance Abuse: Clinical Problems and Perspectives (Joyce H Lowinson, Pedro Ruiz) by Max Abbott