Institute of Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology (ICJFP)

The Institute of Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology (ICJFP) was launched in 2004. Criminal justice and forensic psychology is the practice of psychology with adults or adolescents where their antisocial or criminal behaviour is the main focus of that practice e.g. the assessment, treatment and management of offending behaviour; and assessments for the courts where the criminal behaviour is the focus of the assessment.

The focus of the Institute does NOT include practice that is primarily with: children; Family Court work; victims of crime; fitness to plead evaluations; expert witness testimony in other areas of psychology (e.g. eye-witness memory or effects of abuse on children); or, industrial psychology as applied to criminal justice and forensic agencies.


To establish a professional identity in Aotearoa/New Zealand for the discipline of criminal justice and forensic psychology, and to promote best practice standards among psychologists working in this field for the benefit of clients, community, and the discipline of psychology.

Aims of ICJFP

  • To promote high standards of practice, research and training for psychologists working in the criminal justice and forensic field
  • To promote minimum training standards and ongoing competence requirements for criminal justice and forensic psychologists within the profession (including organisations selecting psychologists)
  • To identify opportunities for professional development in the criminal justice and forensic area, and promote relevant training experiences.
  • To support co-ordinated research and tertiary training initiatives in the field of criminal justice and forensic psychology.
  • To raise the profile of criminal justice and forensic psychology in the psychological community and the community as a whole.

How to join the ICJFP

Only Full Members or Student subscribers of the NZPsS may apply for membership of the ICJFP

click here for the online application form

Membership Criteria 

Membership has been designed to be inclusive but with an emphasis on providing full membership to those psychologists who are currently working in the criminal justice field and associate membership to those who are interested in the field and want to develop their professional knowledge and ability in the area. * Only Full members will have voting rights.
Interim membership criteria covering two classes of membership (Full, Associate) have been agreed.
Both membership classes will have reduced rates for attending ICJFP sponsored or organised professional development training courses (excluding the NZPsS annual conference). Both full and associate members and Student subscribers will receive preferential places on professional development activities that have restricted numbers
Membership is free (included in your annual NZPsS subscription)
NZPsS students: If you are an NZPsS student and enrolled in a forensic programme we add you as ICJFP student automatically- no need to complete another application form.
Please note that NZPsS student subscribers can become institute student subscribers only. To become a full member of an institute you need to be a full member of NZPsS first.

ICJFP Student Grant

Each year the institute offers Student Grants to attend conference with preference being given to those intending to present as part of the ICJFP symposium.  See the application form here .

2024/25 Committee

Shreena Hira (Co-chair and Treasurer)
Nate Gaunt (Co-chair)
Rob Paramo (Secretary)
Lizzie Scott
Apriel Jolliffe-Simpson
Emily Ilett (Student Representative)
Linda Fatialofa (Student Representative)
Myra Pritchard (Student Representative)
Doug Carroll (Student Representative)


Contact the membership administrator on membership(at) for more information.

To suggest or request a professional development/ training workshop please email liaison(at)  for forwarding to ICJFP.  From the committee:

Kia ora ICJFP members!

We are interested in hearing what professional development opportunities would be of most interest to our members during the next year.
Please let us know  which topics and/or speakers (including local, national, or international) you would be most interested in attending. Include as many as you like…  Look forward to hearing from you,  ICJFP committee
