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Archived Issues of the New Zealand Journal of Psychology
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Archive New Zealand Psychologist
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Volume 52, Issue 2 (December), 2023
Four Decades after a ‘Whiter Shade of Pale’: An Update on Professional Psychology Programme Responsiveness to Indigenous Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand
Waikaremoana Waitoki, Kyle Tan, Ottilie Stolte, Joanna Chan, Logan Hamley, and Damian Scarf
University didn’t cater to me as a Pacific person: Building the Pacific workforce in clinical psychology programmes across Aotearoa New Zealand
Julia Ioane, Isi Cash, Linda Fatialofa, Veronica Graham, Rochelle Nafatali, Rayna Phillips, Shauney Thompson, and Peyton Wolfgramm
Sleep hygiene mediates the relationship between perceived academic stress and insomnia symptom severity among Pasifika students in Aotearoa New Zealand
Ilaisaane F Fakapulia, Latika Samalia, and Erik Wibowo
Implicit Bias Training for New Zealand Medical Students using Cognitive Bias Modification: An Outline of Material Development
Che-Wei Hsu and Zaine Akuhata-Huntington
Community-level diversity decreases right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation by alleviating dangerous and competitive worldviews: Multilevel and longitudinal tests of the Dual Process Model
Danny Osborne, Kieren J. Lilly, Yanshu Huang, and Chris G. Sibley
A psychometric analysis of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale in a sample of New Zealand adolescents
Maddy Brocklesby, Jessica Anne Garisch, Kealagh Robinson, Robyn Langlands, Lynne Russell, Angelique O'Connell, and Marc Stewart Wilson
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Volume 52, Issue 1 (April), 2023
Therapeutic Community Retention Trends and Factors Associated with 3-Month Retention in Aotearoa New Zealand
Jacob D. Ashdown, Gareth J. Treharne, Tia Neha, and Claire Aitken
Tikanga Takirua: A Framework for Bi-cultural Practice in Psychology
Roxanne Heffernan, Ryan Botha, Mate Webb, and Tarsh Edwards
Mental Health and Wellbeing for Young People from Intersectional Identity Groups: Inequity for Māori, Pacific, Rainbow Young People, and those with a Disabling Condition
Rituparna Roy, Lara Greaves, John Fenaughty, Theresa Fleming, and Terryann C. Clark
Police Ten 7 feeds racial stereotypes of Māori and Pasifika peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand
Roger Yan, Ririwai Fox, Wetini Atutahi Rapana, Waikaremoana Waitoki, Tim McCreanor, Angela Moewaka Barnes, Mele Taumoepeau, Taylor Winter, Benjamin C. Riordan, Kim N. Dirks, Justin B. Philips, John A. Hunter, Hitaua Arahanga-Doyle, and Damian Scarf
Pride, Interest, and Online Willingness to Support Achievements across New Zealand European, Pasifika, and Korean Ethnic Groups
James G. Phillips, Jisoo Kim, Fa’alia Vaeau, C. Erik Landhuis, Jay K. Wood and Ying Wang
Psychologists' experiences of burnout in Aotearoa, New Zealand: a nationwide qualitative survey
Marty Blayney and Amy Kercher
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Volume 51, Issue 3 (December), 2022
HRV Biofeedback Training for Children with Behavioural Disorders in New Zealand: Three Case Studies
Russell Pine and Karin Bruckner
Lived experience participation in mental health recovery teaching in university psychology courses
Amiya Sen Gupta and Joanne E. Taylor
Kaupapa Māori Early Years Provision and Whānau Wellbeing: A Retrospective Survey at a Taranaki-Based Centre
Erana Hond-Flavell, Gareth J. Treharne, Aroaro Tamati, Reremoana Theodore, Jesse Kokaua, Will Edwards, Ruakere Hond, Richie Poulton, and Mihi Ratima
Different Domains of Area-level Deprivation Predict Individual Differences in System Justification and Collective Action Support
Kieren J Lilly, Chris G Sibley, and Danny Osborne
Consistency and Change in Political Party Support Across Three Consecutive New Zealand Elections: Who Switched and Who Stayed Loyal?
Nicole Satherley, Danny Osborne, and Chris G. Sibley
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Volume 51, Issue 2 (August), 2022
“Do They Chain Their Hands Up?”: An Exploration of Young Men’s Beliefs about Mental Health Services
Jake M. Gallagher, Keith Tuffin, and Clifford van Ommen
Age stratified normative data for Māori on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (4th edition; WAIS-IV)
Makarena Dudley, Suzanne Barker-Collo, Denise Wilson, and Nick Garrett
Stakeholders’ Perceptions of a New Zealand Youth Mentoring Programme Assisting High-Achieving, Underprivileged Students to Attend University
Hana Turner-Adams and Melinda Webber
Trust and legitimacy: Policing among racial groups
Mariska Kappmeier and Kathryn H. Fahey
Space for you and your baby: Participant perceptions of community-based postnatal parenting support and adjustment to parenthood
Linde-Marie Amersfoort and Myron Dean Friesen
Clarifying the Scope of Generalizability Theory for Multifaceted Assessment
Duncan J. R. Jackson, George Michaelides, Chris Dewberry, and Paul Englert
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Volume 51, Issue 1 (April), 2022
Developing competence in the NZ Psychologist workforce: Best Practice Guidelines for working with sex, sexuality, and gender diverse (SSGD) clients
Elizabeth du Preez, Paula Collens, Nate Gaunt, Gloria Fraser, Katie Harrison, Katie Weastell, and Jemima Bullock
Psychological predictors of COVID-19 vaccination in New Zealand
Mathew D. Marques, Chris G. Sibley, Marc S. Wilson, Joseph Bulbulia, Danny Osborne, Kumar Yogeeswaran, Carol H.J. Lee, Isabelle M. Duck, Karen M. Douglas, and Aleksandra Cichocka
New Zealand Counselling Psychologists’ Views and Experiences of Using Telepsychology in Clinical Practice
Kirsten Van Kessel, Charlotte Parr, and Jacqueline S Feather
Māori voices in healing childhood maltreatment and breaking the cycle of family harm
Kirsty L Dempster-Rivett, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Katrina Roen, and Nicola Starkey
“lemme get uhhhhh froot”: Internet memes for consciousness-raising in Aotearoa’s Bird of the Year conservation campaign
Gloria Fraser, Fiona Grattan, Jessica Shaw, Sophie Hedley, Kate E. McLeod, Kealagh Robinson, Pauline J. Ward, and Emma Tennent
The Broad Inventory of Specific Life Events (BISLE): Development, Validation, and Population Prevalence
Chloe Howard, Elena Zubielevitch, Nickola C. Overall, and Chris G. Sibley
New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Volume 50, Issue 3, 2021
Emotional Stability Buffers the Link between Habitual Gaming and Negative Psychological Outcomes
Maria Carmela A. Basabas and Chris G. Sibley
Pasifika Youth with Harmful Sexual Behaviour Differ from Other Young People and Need a Different Response
Julia Ioane, Rokeni Tofaeono and Ian Lambie
Story, Myth, and Pūrākau: An Exploration of the use of Narrative in the Therapeutic Setting in Aotearoa New Zealand
Meredith Standing and Ella R. Kahu
Stress, Anxiety, and Psychological Wellbeing in First Year University Students: Changes Over Time
Rebecca F. Slykerman and Edwin A. Mitchell
Integrating ACT components in CBT training: Trainee appetite and supervisor preparedness
Susan Watson, Fiona Mathieson and Mark Huthwaite
RBANS form equivalence in specific English language regions
Timothy Galt, Dirk de Ridder, Patrick Manning, and Nicholas Cutfield
New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Volume 50, Issue 2, 2021
A Test of the Three-Way Interaction of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in an Aotearoa New Zealand University Sample
Andre Mason, Benjamin C. Riordan, Kyungho Jang, Sunny C Collings, and Damian Scarf
Stability and change in New Zealanders’ political party support
Nicole Satherley, Danny Osborne, and Chris G. Sibley
He Piki Raukura: Assessing Ao Māori developmental constructs – Part I: Reliability of novel strengths-based measures among preschool Māori children
Aroaro Tamati, Gareth J. Treharne, Reremoana Theodore, Mihi Ratima, Erana Hond-Flavell, Will Edwards, Ruakere Hond, Richie Poulton
He Piki Raukura: Assessing Ao Māori developmental constructs – Part II: Mapping positive change over 10 months among preschool Māori children
Aroaro Tamati, Gareth J. Treharne, Jesse Kokaua, Reremoana Theodore, Mihi Ratima, Erana Hond-Flavell, Will Edwards, Ruakere Hond, Richie Poulton2
Residual Rape Myth Acceptance among Young Women Who Have Recently Completed a Sexual Violence Prevention Workshop
Madeline Hayward, Gareth J. Treharne, Nicola Liebergreen, Katie Graham and Melanie Beres
Measuring Racial Prejudice in New Zealand Pre-schoolers and testing an intervention to reduce the same using brief cross-race friendship picture books
Anita A. Azeem, John A. Hunter and Ted Ruffman
New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Volume 50, Issue 1, 2021
Reactions to Admissions of Wrongdoing
Simon Kemp, Zhe Chen, and Ailsa Humphries
Case study: How data can help with understanding the high numbers of people using a mental health inpatient unit
Mark Smith, Gerard Pauley, Sandra Baxendine, Cara Thomas, Alice Hutt, Rees Tapsell, and Richard Woodcock
New Zealand Journal of Psychology,Volume 49, Issue 3, 2020
A Qualitative Study of Coping Strategies among Korean Immigrant Parents in Aotearoa New Zealand
Boram Lee and Jenny L. Vaydich
Are New Zealand psychology students more susceptible to essentialist explanations for mental illness? Neuroessentialism and mental illness stigma in psychology and non-psychology students
Hannah Zimmerman, Benjamin C. Riordan, Taylor Winter, Adam Bartonicek and Damian Scarf
Aspirations for bilingualism in Aotearoa New Zealand: Pākehā motivations for learning te reo Māori
Awanui Te Huia
A Systematic Review of Bipolar Disorder in Indigenous Peoples
Tracy Haitana, Suzanne Pitama, Marie Crowe, Richard Porter, Roger Mulder and Cameron Lacey
New Zealand Journal of Psychology,Volume 49, Issue 2, 2020
Perception of financial satisfaction and its implications for free first-year education in New Zealand university students
M. Usman Afzali, Julie Viviana Cedeño Bustos, and Simon Kemp
Correlates of cancer illness uncertainty, experiential avoidance of uncertainty and well-being during oncology treatment with curative intent
Bruno E. Aldaz1, Roisin S.M. Hegarty, Tamlin S. Conner, David Perez, and Gareth J. Treharne
It’s All Just Fun and Games… Right? Habitual Gaming Links with Body Dissatisfaction, Psychological Distress, and Lower Self-Esteem
Maria Carmela Basabas and Chris G. Sibley
Surveying women leaders’ career trajectories: Implications for leadership development in New Zealand organisations
Joana C. Kuntz and Hannah Livingston
Correlates of New Zealanders’ drinking status, frequency and intensity: Evidence from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study
Carol H.J. Lee and Chris G. Sibley
The Revised Multidimensional Model of Māori Identity and Cultural Engagement (MMM-ICE3)
Correna M. Matika, Carla A. Houkamau, and Chris G. Sibley
New Zealand Journal of Psychology,Volume 49, Issue 1, 2020
Managing Conflict in Shared Housing for Young Adults
Vicky Clark, Keith Tuffin, and Natilene Bowker
Mental Health Literacy: New Zealand Adolescents’ Knowledge of Depression, Schizophrenia and Help-Seeking
Nimesha Tissera and Tatiana Tairi
Young New Zealanders’ Beliefs About Youth Suicide and How It Can Be Prevented
Mikayla S. Holman & Matt N. Williams
Indian women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence in the Context of Migration to Aotearoa New Zealand: The Role of Women’s In-Laws
Sripriya Somasekhar, Neville R. Robertson and Jo Thakker
Exploring the relationship between support for protest and psychological well-being for Māori
Carla A. Houkamau, Samantha Stronge, Danny Osborne, Chris G. Sibley and Kiri Dell
Prejudice toward Muslims in New Zealand: Insights from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study
Chris G. Sibley, M. Usman Afzali, Nicole Satherley, Anastasia Ejova, Samantha Stronge, Kumar Yogeeswarab, Michael Grimshaw, Diala Hawi, Zahra Mirnajafi, Fiona Kate Barlow, Petar Milojev, Lara M. Greaves, Sarah Kapeli, Elena Zubielevitch, Logan Hamley, Maria C. Basabas, Marvin H. Wu, Chloe Howard, Carol H. J. Lee, Yanshu Huang, Christopher Lockhart, Joaquín Bahamondes, Sam Manuela, Taciano L. Milfont, Ryan Perry,
Nikhil K. Sengupta, Nickola C. Overall, John H. Shaver, Geoffrey Troughton, Danny Osborne, and Joseph Bulbulia
New Zealand Journal of Psychology,Volume 48, Issue 2, 2019
Contents by article:
Going it Alone: Stories of New Zealand Women Choosing Single Motherhood
Rochelle Trail and Sonja Goedeke
What predicts healthy lifestyle habits? Demographics, health and personality correlates of healthy lifestyle factors in New Zealand
Carol H.J. Lee and Chris G. Sibley
Flexible identities: Narratives of Māori Italians in New Zealand
Adalgisa Giorgio and Carla A. Houkamau
A journey of identity: A rangatahi treatment programme for Māori adolescents who engage in sexually harmful behaviour
Luisa Ape-Esera and Ian Lambie
“It’s an important thing and can change someone without you realising”: New Zealand Students’ Views of University Mental Health Services
Victoria Nazari and Clifford van Ommen
Mental Health of Trans and Gender Diverse People in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A Review of the Social Determinants of Inequities
Kyle K.H. Tan, Johanna M. Schmidt, Sonja J. Ellis, Jaimie F. Veale
“So that’s where I’ve probably formed those perceptions from”: A focus group study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender and queer individuals’ perspectives on chronic illnesses
Jane Reeves and Gareth J. Treharne
Spirituality and religion in clinical practice: The experiences of psychologists in the integration of spirituality and religion in therapy in Aotearoa New Zealand
Dana D. Lee, Sonja Goedeke and Christian U. Krägeloh
Emotional wellbeing as perceived and understood through the lenses of SEL and PYD: A qualitative commentary and suggestions for future research in Aotearoa New Zealand
Veronica O’Toole, Rachel Martin, Letitia Fickel, and Eileen Britt
Rapid-response issue of the NZJP after the Christchurch terror attacks: The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 48, Issue 1, 2019 (ISSN:1179-7924)
Contents by article:
Understanding the terror attack: Some initial Steps
Margaret Wetherell
Coping with loss and bereavement: An Islamic perspective
Sunnya Khawaja and Nigar G. Khawaja
The road to Christchurch: A tale of two leaderships
Stephen Reicher, Alex Haslam and Jay Van Bavel
Prejudice is about Collective Values, not a Biased Psychological System
Michael J. Platow, Dirk Van Rooy, Martha Augoustinos, Russell Spears, Daniel Bar-Tal and Diana M. Grace
A screening instrument for assessing psychological distress following disasters: Adaptation for the March 15th, 2019 mass shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand
Martin J. Dorahy and Neville M. Blampied
Exploring New Zealand National Identity and Its Importance for Attitudes toward Muslims and Diversity
Kumar Yogeeswaran, M. Usman Afzali, Nadia P. Andrews, Elizabeth A. Chivers, Meng-Jie Wang,
Thierry Devos, and Chris G. Sibley
A Critical Narrative Review of Research about the Experiences of being Muslim in New Zealand
Colleen Ward, Jaimee Stuart & Zeenah M. Adam
Beyond tokenistic solidarity in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attacks: Insights from psychology, and practical suggestions for action
Zahra Mirnajafi and Fiona Kate Barlow
News headlines or ideological beliefs: What affects readers’ interpretations of news stories about immigration, killing in the name of religion and other topical issues? A cross-cultural analysis
Anita A. Azeem, John A. Hunter and Ted Ruffman
White Nationalism and Multiculturalism Support: Investigating the Interactive Effects of White Identity and National Attachment on Support for Multiculturalism
Danny Osborne, Nicole Satherley, Kumar Yogeeswaran, Diala Hawi & Chris G. Sibley
Encouraging flourishing following tragedy: The role of civic engagement in well-being and resilience
Jill G. Hayhurst, John A. Hunter and Ted Ruffman
Terrorism Anxiety and Attitudes toward Muslims
Diala Hawi, Danny Osborne, Joseph Bulbulia, and Chris G. Sibley
Ingroup Favouring Evaluations in Response to Belonging Threats in Public and Private Contexts
Kathryn H. Fahey, John A. Hunter, Damian Scarfe and Ted Ruffman
They Are Us? The mediating effects of compatibility-based trust on the relationship between discrimination and overall trust
Mariska Kappmeier, Bushra Guenoun and Remaya Campbell
Parent talk about the wellbeing of others in disciplinary situations relates to younger children’s empathy
Kangning Du, Mary Buchanan, Jill Hayhurst, and Ted Ruffman
Representing Islam: Experiences of women wearing hijab in New Zealand
Eileen Ash, Keith Tuffin and Ella Kahu
Attitudes to Religion Predict Warmth for Muslims in New Zealand
Benjamin R. Highland, Geoffrey Troughton, John Shaver, Justin L. Barrett, Chris G. Sibley and Joseph Bulbulia
A community-based test of the Dual Process Model of Intergroup Relations: Predicting attitudes towards Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and Atheists
Marc Stewart Wilson
“This is not us”: But actually it is. Talking about the right time to raise the issue of colonisation
Waikaremoana Waitoki
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 47, Issue 3, 2018 (ISSN:1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Comorbidities between Mental and Physical Health Problems: An Analysis of New Zealand Health Survey Data
Helen Lockett, Angela Jury, Charito
Tuason, Jennifer Lai, David Fergusson
Is Social Media Use for Networking Positive or Negative? Offline Social Capital and Internet Addiction as Mediators for the Relationship between Social Media Use and Mental Health
Philip Glaser, James H. Liu, Moh Abdul Hakim, Roosevelt Vilar, Robert Zhang
Early Childhood educators’ and Parents’ Perceptions of Bullying in Preschool
Cara S. Swit
The Moderating Effect of Need for Affiliation on Conformity in Response to Group Reactions
Cody T. Macdonald, Jay K. Wood
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 47, Issue 2, 2018 (ISSN:1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
The Modern Racism toward Māori Scale
Nicole Satherley, Chris G. Sibley
Tū Māori Mai: Māori Cultural Embeddedness Improves Adaptive Coping and Wellbeing for Māori Adolescents
Ririwai Fox, Tia Neha, Paul E. Jose
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 47, Issue 1, 2018 (ISSN:1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
“I have goals and plans to achieve them”. An online survey of the career perceptions of trainee and practising educational psychologists
Jacqueline Seymour, Tom Nicholson, Terence Edwards
A survey of psychologists administering cognitive and neuropsychological assessments with New Zealand children
Kate S. Ross-McAlpine, Janet M. Leathem, Ross A. Flett
Risk attitude, perceived returns and investment choice in New Zealand
Simon Kemp, May Chan, Zhe Chen, William S. Helton
Personal values and support (or not) for the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement
Jono Bannan, Simon Kemp, Zhe Chen
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 46, Issue 3, 2017 (ISSN:1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
A proposed hauora Māori clinical guide for psychologists: Using the hui process and meihana model in clinical assessment and formulation
Suzanne G. Pitama, Simon T. Bennett, Waikaremoana Waitoki, et al.
Behind the label
Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Amohia Boulton, Arama Rata, et al
Infant Sleep Patterns
Horiana Jones, Carol Cornsweet Barber, Linda Waimarie Nikora, et al.
Talanoa with Pasifika youth and their families
Julia Ioane
Whai tikanga: The application of a culturally relevant value centred approach
Andre D. McLachlan, Rebecca Wirihana and Terry Huriwai
Māori men: An indigenous psychological perspective on the interconnected self
Mohi Rua, Darrin Hodgetts and Ottilie Stolte
Whakairia ki runga
Hukarere Valentine, Natasha Tassell-Mataamua and Ross Flett
Is the test of premorbid functioning a valid measure for Māori in New Zealand?
Margaret Dudley, Kelly Scott and Suzanne Barker-Collo
Stories of survival and resilience: An enquiry into what helps tamariki and rangatahi through whānau violence
Anna Walters and Fred Seymour
“What I reckon is, is that like the love you give to your kids they’ll give to someone else and so on and so on”: Whanaungatanga and mātauranga Māori in practice
Jade Le Grice, Virginia Braun and Margaret Wetherell
Overview of assessment and treatment of non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents
Jessica A. Garisch, Marc S. Wilson, Angelique O’Connell, et al.
Non-suicidal self-injury: Suicide risk or social activity?
Cate Curtis
Conceptualisations of deliberate self-harm as it occurs within the context of Pacific populations living in New Zealand
Synthia Dash, Tamasin Taylor, Malakai Ofanoa, et al.
Socioeconomic deprivation and non-suicidal self-injury in New Zealand adolescents: The mediating role of depression and anxiety
Kealagh Robinson, Maddy Brocklesby, Jessica A Garisch, et al.
Mā te mātau, ka ora: The use of traditional Indigenous knowledge to support contemporary rangatahi Māori who self-injure
Tahlia Kingi, Lynne Russell, Witi Ashby, et al.
Peer Responses to Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Young Women Speak About the Complexity of the Support-Provider Role
Kelly Fisher, John Fitzgerald and Keith Tuffin
Non suicidal self-injury in a New Zealand student population: Demographic and self-harm characteristics
John Fitzgerald and Cate Curtis
Predicting Party Vote Sentiment: Identifying the Demographic and Psychological Correlates of Party Preference in Two Large Datasets
Lara M. Greaves, Andrew Robertson, Lucy J. Cowie, et al.
Cultural Efficacy Predicts Increased Self Esteem for Māori: The Mediating Effect of Rumination
Correna M. Matika, Sam Manuela, Emerald Muriwai, et al.
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 46, Issue 2, 2017 (ISSN:1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Introduction to Special Section: Low Intensity CBT in Aotearoa New Zealand
Beverly Haarhoff and Mei Williams
Low intensity Psychological interventions in Aotearoa:What can we learn from IAPT?
Beverly Haarhoff and Mei Williams
Mental Health in Aotearoa:Rising to the challenge of the fourth wave
Mei Wah Williams, Beverly Haarhoff and Robyn Vertongen
The effectiveness and cultural compatibility of a guided self-help cognitive-behaviour programme for Asian students in New Zealand
Kai-Chi Katie Lee and Mei Wah M. Williams
Help yourself to CBT: Investigating clinically significant change in a low intensity programme for low mood
Amy P. Montagu and Mei Wah M.Williams
Regular outcome monitoring in a Low Intensity-Cognitive Behavioural Intervention: A case study approach
Amy P. Montagu and Mei Wah M. Williams
Behavioural activation self-help to improve depression in people living with dementia: The PROMOTE treatment protocol
Paul Farrand, Joanne Woodford, Faye Small and Eugene Mullan
Self-practice/self-reflection (SP/SR) as a training strategy to enhance therapeutic empathy in low intensity CBT practitioners
Richard Thwaites, James Bennett-Levy, Laura Cairns, Ria Lowrie, Andrea Robinson, Beverly Haarhoff, Laura Lockhart and Helen Perry
“I thought I was going to die”: Teachers’ reflections on their emotions and cognitive appraisals in response to the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake
Veronica M. O’Toole
An Investigation of the Fidelity to a Wraparound Process in New Zealand
Jacinda L. Shailer, Ruth A. Gammon and Ian de Terte
Ko tēhea te ara tika? A discourse analysis of Māori experience in the criminal justice system
Eleanor Brittain and Keith Tuffin
Using a Cigarette Purchase Task to Assess Demand for Tobacco and Nicotine-containing Electronic Cigarettes for New Zealand European and Māori/Pacific Island Smokers
Megan R. Tucker, Bronwyn M. Kivell, Murray Laugesen and Randolph C. Grace
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 46, Issue 1, 2017 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Emotional Labour in Mental Health Field Workers
Yulia Bondarenko, Elizabeth du Preez and Daniel Shepherd
Maximising Potential: The Psychological Effects of the Youth Development Programme Project K
Kirsty Furness, Matt N. Williams, Jaimie F. Veale and Dianne H. Gardner
The Multidimensional Model of Māori Identity and Cultural Engagement: Measurement Equivalence across Diverse Māori Groups
Lara M. Greaves, Sam Manuela, Emerald Muriwai, Lucy J. Cowie, Cinnamon-Jo Lindsay, Correna M. Matika, Carla A. Houkamau
and Chris G. Sibley
The Function of Reward Sensitivity and Temporal Discounting in the Relationship between Risk and ADHD in Adults
Mairin R. Taylor, Joseph M. Boden, Julia J. Rucklidge and Richard R. Farmer
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 45, Issue 3, 2016 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Burnout-depression overlap: A study of New Zealand schoolteachers
Renzo Bianchi, Irvin S.Schonfeld, Eric Mayor and Eric Laurent
A Pilot Study of Functional Family Therapy in New Zealand
Charles Heywood and David Fergusson
Pacific youth and violent offending in Aotearoa New Zealand
Julia Ioane and Ian Lambie
Reducing racism against Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand
Sylvia Pack, Keith Tuffin, Antonia 30 Lyons
Evaluation of the Factor Structure of the Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale – Elderly Version (AMAS-E) in community dwelling older Adult New Zealanders
Margaret H Roberts, Richard B Fletcher, Paul L Merrick
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 45, Issue 2, 2016 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with New Zealand children
Rebecca J. Sargisson, Peter G. Stanley, Anna Hayward
Employee resilience and leadership styles
Joana R.C. Kuntz, Katharina Näswall, Sanna Malinen, Quyen Nguyen
Illness perceptions and treatment outcomes in Hepatitis C
Simon Langston, Mark S. Edwards, Peta Stapleton, Michael Lyvers
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 45, Issue 1, 2016 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Understanding Body Image Dissatisfaction and Disordered Eating in Midlife Adults
Sarah McGuinness, Joanne E. Taylor
Measuring Recovery in adult community addiction services
Angela Jury, Mark Smith
Secondary traumatic stress, vicarious posttraumatic growth, and coping among health professionals; A comparison study
Shekinah Manning-Jones, Ian de Terte, Christine Stephens
The validation of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) amongst Pacific people in New Zealand
David Newcombe, Helen Tanielu-Stowers, Rebecca McDermott, Jane Stephen, Vili Nosa
Book Review
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 44, Issue 3, 2015 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
“It is everyone’s problem”: Parents’ experiences of bullying
Susan Harcourt, Vanessa A. Green, Chris Bowden
Perspectives towards Māori identity by Māori heritage language learners
Awanui Te Huia
Normative data for older New Zealanders on the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination
Lauren Callow, Fiona Alpass, Janet Leathem, Christine Stephens
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 44, Issue 2, 2015 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
The Facebook Feedback Hypothesis of personality and social belonging
Samantha Stronge, Danny Osborne,Tim West-Newman, Marc S. Wilson,Petar Milojev, Lara M. Greaves, Chris G. Sibley
Culture as Cure? The Protective Function of Māori Cultural Efficacy on Psychological Distress
E. Muriwai, C. A. Houkamau, C. G. Sibley
Dimensions of Social Dominance: Their Personality and Socio-political Correlates within a New Zealand Probability Sample
Robin Bergh, Jim Sidanius, Chris G. Sibley
A survey of New Zealand psychologists’ practices with respect to the assessment of performance validity
Suzanne L Barker-Collo, Kris Fernando
Profiling the Fence-Sitters in New Zealand Elections: A Latent Profile Model of Political Voting Blocs
Lara M. Greaves, Danny Osborne, Chris G. Sibley
Incidence of Bullying and Victimisation among Adolescents in New Zealand
Moja Kljakovic, Caroline Hunt, Paul E. Jose
Using video self-modeling and the peer group to increase the social skills of a preschool child
Kristy Haslam Lemmon, Vanessa A. Green
Developing Mahi Oranga: A Culturally Responsive Measure of Māori Occupational Stress and Wellbeing
Aidan S. Tabor, Taciano L. Milfont, Colleen Ward
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 44, Issue 1, 2015 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Regional Differences and Similarities in the Personality of New Zealanders
Lara M. Greaves, Lucy Cowie, Gloria Fraser, Emerald Muriwai, Marco Zdrenka, Yanshu Huang, Petar Milijev, Danny Osborne, Joseph Bulbulia, Marc S. Wilson, James H. Liu, Andrew Clouston, Chris G. Sibley
Socio-structural and psychological foundations of climate change beliefs
Taciano L. Milfont, Petar Milojev, Lara Greaves, Chris G. Sibley
PTSD and Resilience in Adolescents after New Zealand Earthquakes
Timothy A. Heetkamp, Ian de Terte
A study to access the acceptability of adding Home Parent Support along with the Incredible Years® parent programme
Dianne G. Lees, David M. Fergusson
Identifying Distinct Subgroups of Green Voters: A Latent Profile Analsis of Crux Values Relating to Green Party Support
Lucy J. Cowie, Lara M. Greaves, Chris G. Sibley
The Pacific Identity and Wellbeing Scale – Revised: Comparison across Pacific groups
Sam Manuela, Chris G. Sibley
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 43, Issue 3, 2014 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Coping and adjustment in New Zealand Police staff 12-18 months after the Canterbury earthquakes: A directed qualitative content analysis
Deborah L. Snell, Lois J. Surgenor, Martin J Dorahy, E. Jean C. Hay-Smith
Cultural invisibility: Indigenous people with traumatic brain injury and their experiences of neuropsychological assessments
Margaret Dudley, Denise Wilson, Suzanne Barker-Collo
A comparison of therapist-present or therapist-free delivery of very brief mindfulnes and hypnosis for acute experimental pain
Nicola. R. Swain, Judy Trevena
How do Sources of Meaning of Life Vary According to Age, Gender, and Level of Education?
Melissa E Grouden, Paul E Jose
Politics and Post-Colonial Ideology: Historical Negation and Symbolic Exclusion Predict Political Party Preference
Lara M. Greaves, Danny Osborne, Nikhil K. Sengupta, Petar Milojev, Chris Sibley
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 43, Issue 2, 2014 (ISSN: 1179-7924)
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
“I laugh and say I have ‘Earthquake Brain!’”: Resident responses to the September 2010 Christchurch Earthquake– Casey Rowney, Panteá Farvid & Chris G. Sibley
Cognitive Assessment during a Course of Electroconvulsive Therapy – A National Questionnaire Survey of Current Practice in Aotearoa, New Zealand – Anneke Thornton, Janet Leathem & Ross Flett
Diagnostic Processes and Disclosure: A Survey of Practitioners Diagnosing Cognitive Impairment– Alison McKinlay, Janet Leathem & Paul Merrick
Book reviews:
Casebook of Clinical Geropsychology: International Perspectives on Practice. By Nancy A. Pachana, Ken Laidlaw, and Bob G. Knight. (Eds.) (2010). Reviewed by Dr. P.S.D.V. Prasadarao
Pacific Identities and Well-Being: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Edited by Margaret Nelson Agee, Tracey McIntosh, Philip Culbertson and Cabrini ‘Ofa Makasiale. Reviewed by Tansy Brown
The New Zealand Journal of Psychology Vol 43, Issue 1, 2014
(click above for the full version on pdf)
Contents by article:
Mental Health is an Abominable Mess: Mind and Nature is a Necessary Unity– Nick Drury
Video Self-Modeling as an Intervention for Oral Reading Fluency – Rochelle Montgomerie, Steven G. Little & Angeleque Akin-Little
School Climate and Aggression among New Zealand High School Students– Louise Marsh, Rob McGee & Sheila Williams
The New Zealand Journal Vol 42, Issue 3, 2013
John Fitzgerald
Special Section Editorial: Counselling Psychology in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Introduction to the Special Section -Rhoda M. Scherman & Jacqueline S. Feather
Counselling Psychology in Aotearoa/New Zealand- What is it, Where has it Come From, and Where Might it Go? – Bill Farrell
Wittgenstein and the Red Queen: Attuning to the World and Each Other – Nick Drury
Defining Counselling Psychology: What do all the Words Mean? – Peter Stanley
The Process of Conducting Qualitative Research as an Adjunct to the Development of Therapeutic Abilities in Counselling Psychology – Mark R. Thorpe
Second Order Ethical Decision-Making in Counselling Psychology: Theory, Practice and Process – Elizabeth du Preez & Sonja Goedeke
Counselling Psychology From a Samoan Perspective – Byron Malaela Sotiata Seiuli
Collaborative Partnership and Reflective Practice: An Intern Counselling Psychologist and Client Share Their Therapeutic Journey – Alexis Kliem, Jacqueline S. Feather & Miranda
An Investigation of Internet-Based Information for Mothers in Stepfamilies – Anna Miller & Claire Cartwright
Further Validation of the New Zealand Test of Adult Reading (NZART) as a Measure of Premorbid IQ in a New Zealand Sample – Irene Tatjana Lichtwark, Nicola Jayne Starkey & Suzanne Barker-Collo
Vol 42, Issue 2, 2013
Contents by article:
New Zealand Text-speak Word Norms and Masking Priming Effects – James R. Head, Ewald Neumann, Paul Russell, William S. Helton & Connie Shears
The Importance of Race and Ethnicity: An Exploration of New Zealand Pākehā, Māori, Samoan and Chinese Adolescent Identity – Melinda Webber, Elizabeth McKinley & John Hattie
The Effect of Affective Commitment, Communication and Participation on Resistance to Change: The Role of Change Readiness – Kali McKay, Joana R.C. Kuntz & Katharina Näswall
Attitudes Toward Smacking in a New Zealand Probability Sample: Psychological and Demographic Correlates – Cassandra K. Dittman, Chris G. Sibley & Susan P. Farruggia
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Incredible Years Teacher Programme – David M. Fergusson, L. John Horwood & Lesley Stanley
Keep Calm and Carry On? An Investigation of Teacher Burnout in a Post-disaster Context – Joana R.C. Kuntz, Katharina Näswall & Amanda Bockett
Measuring psychological distress in New Zealand: Item response properties and demographic differences in the Kessler-6 screening measure – Ariana M. Krynen, Danny Osborne, Isabelle M. Duck, Carla A. Houkamau & Chris G. Sibley
Ethnicity, workplace bullying, social support and psychological strain in Aotearoa/New Zealand – Dianne Gardner, Tim Bentley, Bevan Catley, Helena Cooper-Thomas, Michael O’Driscoll & Linda Trenberth
Vol 42, Issue 1, 2013
Contents by article:
The Career Experiences of Industrial and Organisational Psychology – Donald A.J. Cable
Personality in New Zealand: Scale Norms and Demographic Differences in the Mini-IPIP6 – Chris G. Sibley & David J. Pirie
We are all in the same boat: How online communities facilitate the process of migration – Aidan S. Tabor & Taciano L. Milfont
Sense of Community in New Zealand Neighbourhoods: A Multi-Level Model Predicting Social Capital – Nikhil K. Sengupta, Nils Luyten, Lara M. Greaves, Danny Osborne, Andrew Robertson, Gavin Armstrong & Chris G. Sibley
Book Reviews
Warming the Emotional Climate of the Primary School Classroom by Ian M Evans and Shane T Harvey – Reviewed by Dr Elizabeth Schaughency
Vol 41, Issue 3, 2012
Contents by article:
Piloting an Evidence-Based Group Treatment Programme for High Risk Sex Offenders with Intellectual Disability in the New Zealand Setting – Joseph Allan Sakdalan & Vicki Collier
Effects of Employee Governance and Operational Control on Psychological Ownership and Perceived Justice – Kimbal Fraser & Simon Kemp
The Mini-IPIP6: Item Response Theory analysis on a short measure of the big-six factors of personality in New Zealand – Chris G. Sibley
Book Reviews
Ka Tū, Ka Oho: Visions of a Bicultural Partnership in Psychology. Invited Keynotes: Revisiting the Past to Reset the Future – Reviewed by Clive Banks & Ian M. Evans
Vol 41, Issue 2, 2012
Contents by article:
Goals and Well Being in New Zealand – Mami Yamaguchi & Jamin Halberstadt
The Use of Brief Screening Instruments for Age-related Cognitive Impairment in New Zealand – Heide-Marie Strauss, Janet Leathem, Steve Humpries & John Podd
How much happiness does money buy? Income and subjective well-being in New Zealand Sibley – Nikhil K. Sengupta, Danny Osborne, Carla A. Houkamau, William J. Hoverd, Marc Stewart Wilson, Lara M. Greaves, Tim West-Newman, Fiona Kate Barlow, Gavin Armstrong, Andrew Robertson and Chris G. Sibley
Book Review
Social Research: A practical introduction by Bruce Curtis and Cate Curtis – Reviewed by Assoc Prof Keith Tuffin
Vol 41, Issue 1, 2012
Contents by article:
Addiction Special Section Editorial
Psychology and Addiction Special Section
The Classification of Substance and Behavioural Addictions: A Preliminary Investigation – Andre D. McLachlan & Nicola J. Starkey
What does Attachment have to do with Out-of-control Sexual Behaviour – Karen M. Faisandier, Joanne E. Taylor & Robyn M. Salisbury
Treating Co-occuring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorders in an Outpatient Setting in New Zealand – David M. Benton, Daryle E. A. Deering & Simon J. Adamson
Regular Papers
Work Overload, Parental Demand, Perceived Organisational Support, and Work-Family Conflict among New Zealand and Malaysian Academics – Aizzat Mohd. Nasurdin & Michael P. O’Driscoll
The Relative Influence of Psycho-Social Factors on Urban Edible Gardening Lake Milfont Gavin – Barbara Lake, Taciano L. Milfont & Michael C. Gavin
The Mediating Role of Work Engagement and Burnout in the Relationship between Job Characteristics and Psychological Distress among Lawyers Hopkins Gardner – Veronica Hopkins & Dianne Gardner
New Zealand Female Body Image: What Roles do Ethnicity and Body Mass Play? – Ruchika Talwar, Janet D. Carter & David H. Gleaves
Vol 40, Issue 4, 2011
Contents by article:
John Fitzgerald, Editor-in-Chief
The Context in which We Examine Diasters in New Zealand: An Editorial – Frank O’Connor, David M. Johnston & Ian M. Evans
New Zealanders’ Judgments of Earthquake Risk Before and After the Canterbury Earthquake: Do they Relate to Preparedness? – John McClure, Celine Wills, David Johnston & Claudia Recker
Responding to the Psychological Consequences of Disaster: Lessons for New Zealand from the Aftermath of the Georgian-Russian conflict in 2008 – Barry S. Parsonson & Jane-Mary Castelfranc-Allen
Community Engagement Post-Disaster: Case Studies of the 2006 Matata Debris Flow and 2010 Darfield Earthquake, New Zealand – Susan Collins, Bruce Glavovic, Sarb Johal & David Johnston
Psychosocial Recovery from Disasters: A Framework Informed by Evidence – Maureen F. Mooney, Douglas Paton, Ian de Terte, Sarb Johal, A. Nuray Karanci, Dianne Gardner, Susan Collins, Bruce Glavovic, Thomas J. Huggins, Lucy Johnston, Ron Chambers & David M. Johnston
The Communication of Uncertain Scientific Advice During Natural Hazard Events – Emma E. H. Doyle, David M. Johnston, John McClure & Douglas Paton
Post-Earthquake Psychological Functioning in Adults with Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder: Positive Effects of Micronutrients on Resilience – Julia J. Rucklidge & Neville M. Blampied
After the Earthquakes: Immediate Post-Disaster Work with Children and Families – Richard Sawrey, Charles Waldegrave, Taimalieutu Kiwi Tamasese & Allister Bush
Organisational and Cultural Factors that Promote Coping: With Reference to Haiti and Christchurch – John Fawcett
An Overview of the Canterbury District Health Board Mental Health Service’s Response to the 2010 – 2011 Canterbury Earthquakes – Ron Chambers & Rose Henderson
Promoting Recovery and Building Resilience for Individuals and Communities – Eileen Britt, Martin Dorahy, Janet Carter, Petra Hoggath, Ainslee Coates, Marie Meyer & Katharina Naswall
NZ Defence Force Response to the Christchurch Earthquake of February 2011 – Geoff Sutton & Marty Fourie
People, Places and Shifting Paradigms – when ‘South Island’ Stoicism isn’t Enough NZJP Vol.40 No.4 Distributionfinaleducationsector – Shelley Dean
Principles guiding Practice and Responses to Recent Community Disasters in New Zealand – Rose Brown
Provision of Support to Schools and Early Childhood Services after the Pike River Disaster – Patrick McEntyre
The Education Welfare Response Immediately Following the February 2011 Earthquake – Bill Gilmore & Candice Larson
Long Term Support in Schools and Early Childhood Services after February 2011 – Shelley Dean
Lubricating Civic Reconstruction: Reducing Losses due to Inter-Organisational Friction – Frank O’Connor
For Better or for Worse: How Initial Support Provision Adapted to Needs – Jonathan Black & Jay McLean
How Communities in Christchurch Have Been Coping with Their Earthquake – Libby Gawith
Living with Volcanic Risk: The Consequences of, and Response to, Ongoing Volcanic Ashfall from a Social Infrastructure Systems Perspective on Montserrat – Victoria Sword-Daniels
SPECIAL ISSUE LINKS (and back cover pictures)
Vol 40, Issue 3, 2011
Contents by article:
Antecedents of Job Insecurity in Restructuring Organisations: An Empirical Investigation– Caroline Blackmore & J.R.C Kuntz
Pluralistic and Monocultural Facets of New Zealand National Character and Identity – Chris G. Sibley, William James Hoverd & James H. Liu
The Roles of Gender and Coping Styles in the Relationship Between Child Abuse and the SCL-90-Subscales ‘Psychoticism’ and ‘Paranoid Ideation’ Barker-Collo Barker-Collo – Suzanne Barker-Collo & John Read
Life after Centrepoint: Accounts of Adult Adjustment after Childhood Spent at an Experimental Community Gibson– Kerry Gibson, Mandy Morgan, Cheryl Woolley & Tracey Powis
The Effectiveness of Youth Mentoring Programmes in New Zealand – Susan Farruggia, Pat Bullen, Joy Davidson, Ann Dunphy, Frank Solomon & Efeso Collins
Young Adults’ Beliefs about People Living with HIV/AIDS and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Thematic Analysis of a Think-Aloud Questionnaire Investigation Treharne – Zoe C. McGavock & Gareth J. Treharne
Grieving in the Internet Age Falconer – Kimberly Falconer, Mieke Sachensenweger, Kerry Gibson & Helen Norman
‘Narcissism creep?’: Evidence for Age-Related Differences in Narcissism in the New Zealand General Population – Marc Stewart Wilson & Chris G. Sibley
A Study of Older Adults: Observation of Ranges of Life Satisfaction and Functioning – Gretchen A. Good, Steven J. La Grow & Fiona M. Alpass
Evaluating the Content and Quality of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Case Conceptualisations – Beverly A. Haarhoff , Ross A. Flett & Kerry L.Gibson
Clinical Utility of the Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) in a Community Alcohol and other Drug Practice Setting in Auckland, New Zealand – Amanda Wheeler, Polly Websdell, Susanna Galea & Justin Pulford
Outcome Evaluation of a Community Alcohol and other Drug Intervention Programme for Offenders Serving Community Sentences in Auckland, New Zealand – Amanda Wheeler, Polly Websdell, Puti Wilson, Justin Pulford, Susanna Galea & Elizabeth Robinson
Development of the New Zealand Adult Reading Test (NZART): Preliminary Findings – Nicola J. Starkey & TeeJay Halliday
The Mini-IPIP6: Validation and Extension of a Short Measure of the Big-Six Factors of Personality in New Zealand– Chris G. Sibley, Nils Luyten, Missy Purnomo, Annelise Mobberley, Liz W. Wootton, Matthew D. Hammond, Nikhil Sengupta, Ryan Perry, Tim West-Newman, Marc Stewart Wilson, Lianne McLellan, William James Hoverd & Andrew Robertson
A Refocus on Foci: A Multidimensional and Multi-Foci Examination of Commitment in Work Contexts – Shannon A. Veurink & Ronald Fischer
Mass Media in Aotearoa: An Obstacle to Cultural Competence – Raymond Nairn, Angela Moewaka-Barnes, Jenny Rankine, Belinda Borell, Sue Abel & Tim McCreanor
Vol 40, Issue 2, 2011
Blending the Clinical and the Cultural: A Framework for Conducting Formal Psychological Assessment in Bicultural Settings – Angus H. Macfarlane, Neville M. Blampied, Sonja H. Macfarlane
Wittgenstein and the Tikanga of Psychotherapy – Nick Drury
Ethnic Group Stereotypes in New Zealand – Chris G. Sibley, Kate Stewart, Carla Houkamau, Sam Manuela, Ryan Perry, Liz W. Wootton, Jessica F. Harding, Yang Zhang, Nikhil Sengupta, Andrew Robertson, William James Hoverd, Time West-Newman & Frank Asbrock
Task-Based Assessment Centre Scores and their Relationship with Work Outcomes – Duncan J.R. Jackson & Paul Englert
A New Zealand Regression Formulae for Premorbid estimation using the NART – Suzanne Barker-Collo
Biases in Environmental Assessments. Spatial and Temporal Biases in Assessment of Environmental Conditions in New Zealand – Taciano L. Milfont, Wokje Abrahamse & Norma McCarthy
Vol 40, Issue 1, 2011
Collectivist Value Orientations among Four Ethnic Groups: Collectivism in the New Zealand Context – Astrid Podsiadlowski & Stephen Fox
Potential Moderators of Psychosocial Problems in Children with Reading Difficulties – Kim M. Nathan & Julia J. Rucklidge
Essentials for Implementation: Six years of School Wide Positive Behaviour Support in New Zealand – Catherine Savage, Juliet Lewis & Nigel Colless
Vol 39, Issue 3, 2010
Making it Stick: Factors that Help and Hinder On-going Practice after Cognitive Therapy Training – Fiona M. Mathieson, Graeme R. Beaumont, Tracey V. Barnfield
The Practice in Industrial/ Organisational Psychology in New Zealand – Donald A.J. Cable & Michael P. O’Driscoll
Differences in New Zealand Secondary School Students’ reported Strengths and Difficulties – Stella Black, Justin Pulford, Grant Christie & Amanda Wheeler
Cultural Biases in the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test III: Testing Tamariki in a New Zealand Samples – Tracy Haitana, Suzanne Pitama & Julia J. Rucklidge
Development of a Routine Outcome Monitoring Instrument for Use with Clients in the New Zealand Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Sector: the Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) – Justin Pulford, Daryle E. Deering, Gail Robinson, Amanda Wheeler, Simon J. Adamson, Christopher M.A. Frampton & Grant Paton-Simpson
Constructing the Drinker in Talk about Alcoholics – Angela D. Macfarlane & Keith Tuffin
The Problem with Drinking: Public Attitudes, the Severity Continuum and Treatment Needs. A commentary on Macfarlane and Tuffin (2010) and Pulford et al. (2010) – Simon J. Adamson
Vol 39, Issue 2, 2010 – Global Poverty Special Edition
Hunter Address
Can Poverty Drive you Mad?: ‘Schizophrenia’, Socio-Economic Status and the Case for Primary Prevention – John Read
Regular Papers
Preventing Child Poverty: Barriers and Solutions – Emma Davies, Charles Crowthers & Kirsten Hanna
The Impact of Poverty on Well-being during Midlife – Charles Waldegrave & Michael P. Cameron
Ageing in a Material World – Mary Breheny & Christine Stephens
Economic Hardship Among Older People in New Zealand: The Effects of Low Living Standards on Social Support, Loneliness, and Mental Health – Christine Stephens, Fiona Alpass & Andy Towers
Global Poverty, Aid Advertisements, and Cognition: Do Media Images of the Developing World Lead to Positive or Negative Responses in Viewers– Sharon Kennedy & Stephen Hill
Book Reviews
The Aid Triange: Recognising the human dynamics of dominance, justice and identity by M. MacLachlan, S.G. Carr & E. McAuliffe – Tony Taylor
Making Sense of Madness: Contesting the meaning of schizophrenia by Jim Geekie & John Read – Daniel Mackler
Vol, 39, Issue 1, 2010
Psychology at the Cutting Edge
Visions of the Split Brain – Michael C. Corballis
Regular Papers
The Multi-Dimensional Model of Māori Identity and Cultural Engagement – Carla A. Houkamau & Chris G. Sibley
Maintaining Family Life Under Shiftwork Schedules: A Study of a New Zealand Petrochemical Plant – Jocelyn Handy
Assessing the ‘Gender Gap’ in New Zealand Politics: The Mediating Effects of Social Dominance Orientation in Student and General Population – Marc S. Wilson & Dianne Gardner
Using the Common Sense Model of Illness Self-regulation to Understand Diabetes-related Distress: The Importance of Being Able to ‘Make Sense’ of Diabetes – C.A.M Paddison, F.M. Alpass & C.V. Stephens
The Association Between Parent-child Reminiscing and Children’s Emotional Knowledge – Penny van Bergen & Karen Salmon
An Exploratory Investigation of Parenting Practices in Stepfamilies – Claire Cartwright